ForumsForum GamesWar of 2012

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(I have been waiting until 2012 to post this game. Yes, it's somewhat about the apocalypse and some things we know that aren't happening, but just use your imaginations.)

It is 2012 when the face of the world has changed due to many violent wars and conflict. Many different countries keep being established and destroyed, to the point that there is a new country almost everyday, and many more are destroyed. The war has been going on for such a long time, that the current generation of soldiers don't even know what they're fighting for. In order to end the war, for once and for all, only one strong country, and a very great leader, must lead their army to victory around the world. (Kinda like Risk, but you only own ONE country.)


Official Title:


Type of Government: (If it is a non-existent or unfamiliar type of government, then please add detail to how its run.)
Economy: (If it is a non-existent or unfamiliar type of economy, then please add detail to how its run. BTW, communism is an economy, not a government.)
GDP: 1 billion
Alliance: (Do not fill yet)
History: (optional)


Country Name:
Environment: (Desert, Mountain, Forest, etc.)
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY


Units: 1000
Branches: (Optional)
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default Weapons:



Name: PerryKid
Official Title: The Official Leader of Our Nation
Biography: I took over Northwest Italy and Western Switzerland. That was when I took charge of being the leader with an Iron Fist!


Type of Government: Totalitarian
Economy: Barterism (Nobody has money because I take it all away from them, so they trade items... for a price, of course ;D)
GDP: 1 billion (I faked the info to the World Agency ;D)
Exports: Minerals and Oil
Alliance: (Do not fill yet)
History: We used to be close allies of the United States until they broke a treaty with France. We soon invaded the US from Florida and now we occupy the Midwest. However, Italy brutally took over our original nation, forcing us into the American Midwest :'(


Country Name: PerryLand
Environment: Plains/Grassland
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY


Units: 1000
Branches: Army, Navy, National Guard, Air Force, Marines
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default Weapons: M16

This is an example of how you could fill the character sheet. Also, for your reference, I am the leader of the World Agency.

Feel Free to ask questions

  • 95 Replies
16,287 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 200 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

they keep aim and if they attack open fire, if not welcome them nut keep an eye and a few rifles on them

1,269 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 200 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

Their infantry comes charging rather slowly, and fires, missing all of you. You immediately attack them back, wiping out their infantry and attempt to attack their artillery. You also notice that they are flying YOUR downed planes. It seems that they've fixed the planes. You need back up. Do you call for reinforcements, or do you continue fire?

16,287 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 200 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

send a few special forces from the borders to shoot down the planes and gtfo

1,269 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 200 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

Before the planes could even attack you, your special forces shoot down the planes, then left. All that is left is the tanks, though, there are much less due to constant battles and the downed planes.

(5 tanks, 1 leader)

16,287 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 200 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

the spec ops get behind and open the hatch to throw nades in

1,269 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 200 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

That tactic seems to only work on three tanks the other two throw the grenade back out and fire at the spec ops

-20 spec ops

-3 tanks

(2 tanks 1 leader)

16,287 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 200 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

how do they, i mean it's a small hooman sized opening, plus the fact that they are really cramped in there

1,269 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 180 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole


The tanks come closer to your army. One of the tanks is severely damaged, and the other is virtually scratch-less. The leader makes a gesture, lifting an arm in the air.

16,287 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 180 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

a sniper fires on him the spec ops sneak from behind but this time drop AT mines in front of them

1,269 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 180 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

The mines blow up both tanks, leaving them destroyed. The sniper shoots the leader, and ends the conflict.

WATER is destroyed!!!

-Global Post


-The Globe

Dear Kazimir,

We have heard of your victory over the dangerous group of WATER! We are proud to nominate you to be the Leader of our organization. While you do not have much more power than any other country as leader, you have the authority to either accept or deny any other people into our network.


All over West Africa, there seems to be a state of Anarchy. Do you go over there, and put order, or do you leave them be?
1,255 posts


Name: Sepehr Bassami
Biography: We took over iran with the help of ppl ... there isnt anymore islamic republic ... now i am the president and ruler of iran


Type of Government: persianomist ...(we try to do whatever ppl ask ... but if they want nonesense they will not get it ... we will give aryan bloods more benefits ... (no racism !!! just more benefits for aryans ) we are as same as parlemant but a little bit different ... like i am president for ever and ...)
Economy: everyonenomosist (everyone has the wrights to have a gun to be rich and ...)
GDP: 1 billion
Exports: petrol . gas
Alliance: (Do not fill yet)
History:we fought with flesh and stone to take over the city ... but with the help of USA govvernment and the germany ... we got guns equipment and ... so we tooked the iran and freed it !! after that we took over a small part of afghanistan and now we are trying to take it over


Country Name: new persia
Environment: Desert, Mountain, Forest,
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY


Units: 1000
Branches: the IMMORTAL guards . the air force . the navy . the first strike . the mother defence . biochamical weaponry team
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default Weapons: XM8 â" Lightweight Assault Rifle System

can i join ? a cool game you got !!

16,287 posts

Weapons: XM8 â�" Lightweight Assault Rifle System

i think more weapons are needed

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 180 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

i send APC's (BTR-d's)

with troops and a governor to quell the anarchy and bring order
1,269 posts


Name: Sepehr Bassami
Biography: We took over iran with the help of ppl ... there isnt anymore islamic republic ... now i am the president and ruler of iran


Type of Government: persianomist ...(we try to do whatever ppl ask ... but if they want nonesense they will not get it ... we will give aryan bloods more benefits ... (no racism !!! just more benefits for aryans ) we are as same as parlemant but a little bit different ... like i am president for ever and ...)
Economy: everyonenomosist (everyone has the wrights to have a gun to be rich and ...)
GDP: 1 billion
Exports: petrol . gas
Alliance: (Do not fill yet)
History:we fought with flesh and stone to take over the city ... but with the help of USA govvernment and the germany ... we got guns equipment and ... so we tooked the iran and freed it !! after that we took over a small part of afghanistan and now we are trying to take it over


Country Name: new persia
Environment: Desert, Mountain, Forest,
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY


Units: 1000
Branches: the guards . the air force . the navy . the first strike . the mother defence . biochemical weaponry team
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default Weapons: Lightweight Assault Rifle System

You recieve a letter in your mail

Welcome, Sepher!

We have recently been informed that you have started the country of New Persia. Through the World Agency, you will gain support and have a chance to talk about current conflicts. We have also been informed of your lack of weapons. Would you like for us to send you supplies in order to help get your country started?

- The World Agency

You also recieve a different letter from a different agency.

Be wary of the World Agency, they are the cause of this war. If you want to end this war come with us. We will fight the World Agency and end this war once and for all.

-The Underground

PS: Do not mention us to the World Agency or we WILL destroy your country.

Which do you join, what do you say, what do you do?


Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 180 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

You have won the territory of west africa, eliminating the WATER threat, and saving future countries.


Our dear boy, please understand that violence is not the answer. Is THIS what you want for the world? War and destruction? Please stop your madness before you kill us all!

- World Agency
16,287 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 180 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

i reply "Why? i just united west africa!"

i allow any new countries to develop and break free to their own will

1,269 posts

Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 1.1 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and wes
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400
Branches: 400 Army, 294 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 180 Special Forces
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole

Sorry, forgot something else.

Hello, LEADER Kazimir!!

If you haven't noticed, you have won our elections for your efforts in changing West Africa! You have grown rapidly! This will be good for us to battle the constant threat of the World Agency and ARMOR. We would also like for you to take charge of our messages to others.

Showing 46-60 of 95