keys? can some one make a map or something were all the keys are??thanx
here.Credits to Kongregate user SpinelessCoward
thank u sooo much i have been going crazy!
I used the map, I looked everywhere twice, but I still found the last. Then 5 hours later... I realised I glitched the game.1. ._________.2. á(ಠçಠá)3. (â¯Â°â-¡Â°ï¼â¯ï¸µ â"»â"â"»
For some reason I can't get on top of the cliff after breaking all the runestones free...Can anyone help me with that?
One top of which cliff?
I don't like this game >
The problem I had was that I couldn't find all the jornal and mushrooms, but that map made it so much easier. Thanks.
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