alright guys, It's everyone's favorite time of this game. my attack response. but before I begin, I will give killersup my official review.
@killersup-overall, you did a very nice job. you responded promptly, and you kept people for the most part happy. I only have 2 problems with how you ran it. the first is really more of a observation. I'm surprised that you based your responses off of how I run things. I am proud of creativity, so if you ever think of doing something along these lines again, don't be afraid of thinking outside the box. the second one is more of an actual problem. you never updated the health of either the tree, or IS. that is improtant because I need those updated at the end of every turn so that not only I, but everyone else can keep track of damage done. that said, you did a good job. I bestow you a powerful armor boost.
+150hp max: Killersup10
i find a ditto and fuse with it ditto can tranform into things so i use my new powers to turn into regigigas a super huge pokemon and step on the tree
sorry but you never answered my question to your last post. ignoring your attacks until my question is answered. look on page 169.
Troublesome... I grab a pair of random swords, enchant one with darkness and one with light, and proceed to unleash a 10-hit combo on the tree alternating between darkness and light.
damage done.
Ok, so the weather is an apocalyptic energy storm, right? Good, good.... I am Going to try to suck some of the energy from it (it is an "energy" storm, after all.)
granted, but it is an apocalyptic energy storm created by IS. it's energy basis is pure corruption. are you sure you wish to continue?
I play with the limits of the energy I posses, attempting to figure out how to make Holy Explosives.
I can answer that for you, all you need to do is to create an unstable energy source, and seal it with a stabilized energy shell (better I tell you than letting you die in figuring it out)
dig the now blessed swords into my insane side, then rip them out, one towards his legs and one towards his head.
IS is wounded, but he uses his power to close the wound to prevent bleed-out damage.
-25,000hp: IS
I get in a plane that loaded with "agent orange", (its something they used in the vietnam war to destroy all the tree's)and fly over the tree and spray it all over.
that's nasty stuff, but unfortunately, the tree's already got that covered. I placed a long time ago that the tree is immune to poison attacks (to keep the game going longer of course). since this is a pure poison attack, the tree's natural magics blocked the hrebicide. unfortunately, I didn't say the poison didn't affect players.
-20hp: every player.
This game is doing well. I chop the tree with an ax.
perry, you of all people should know that attacks like that are kinda pointless, but oh well.
I stab the tree with a stick
the stick breaks. got anything else?
the creativity levals are low for this round apparently.Killersup will try to fix that.
I don't know, some people put an honest effort into it.
Killersup will have his new army of Yeti's equipted with the skelaton armor just as Killersup's first yeti was.Killersup will then go back down the mountian and back to the tree.He will then send his yeti army pounding their gaint fist into the ground causing a avalanche,hopefully the 10000000000 pounds of ice and snow will make a dent at the tree.(not sure if this would be considered a second attack or if it is still considered one attack because it is still in one turn/post,If it is two please don't count the rest of the attack.) Then hopefully the ice and snow will freeze the ironbark and Killersup can send a army of the undead to attack the tree while it is still frozen.Thus hopefully shattering a chuck of the tree.
clever, but...
Just incase you didn't know blade things that are frozen become harder to break apart,not saying you're stupid.Just some people don't know that.
stupidity commment aside, the frozen part is true with many inorganic materials. some trees (especially winter adapted trees), however, have adapted their wood to be porus and breathable. this means that when water freezes inside the tree, they force out air in order to allow the water to expand without doing any harm to the tree. the case with yggdrasil is rather clever in this case because it has done that, but it has moved the water inside it to freeze in a way that acts more like an asset than a liability. you have essentially created a frozen armor for the tree. clever, but essentially a wrong turn.
+10% defence
I nuke the tree. Simple as that.
hahahaha... first rule of life, the simplest answer most likely isn't the correct answer. the nuke only does minor explosion damage due to the tree's magic protecting it from a lot of the force.
Thaboss again casts the 'Waise Neiat' spell. At the entire tree. Of course, he does not have enough energy to sustain this spell to destroy the whole tree. So. Thaboss draws energy from the surrounding living things, including the tree, to have enough energy to sustain the spell. He draws energy from other players (sorry guys) and all living things near enough. And just to make it worse, he also includes everything within his reach in the spell (yes, including himself). So even if the tree blocks his attack, everything else is converted into pure energy with the force of many, many nuclear explosions. Around the tree. Unless the tree DOESN'T block his attack (and how could it block it?) In which case it is destroyed. Along with pretty much the whole planet.
sorry, but I just remembered an interesting little observation from the inheritance series. 2 people casted this spell in the book, that one guy, and galbatorix. each time, whenever they casted this, they blew themselves up. I don't know about the other guy, but couldn't galbatorix (if he really wanted to) cast that spell on eragon if it could be transferred to other people. so unless I see proof that it can, I'm assuming that it can't. if you want to blow yourself up, I won't stop you. but I'm afraid I won't allow the transfer.
And the sad thing is, Blade probably won't even allow that to work.
you're right, chances are I will remember something important that always puts a wrench in your plans. half the game is to be creative, the other half is how well you can outsmart me.
I hope that Blade knows what an astral is.
I looked over the conversation, and I'm assuming you are talking about the astral plane. if not, send me the link, and I will re-do the response.
since you went to the astral plane, then I'm guessing that you believe that you can become stronger there. afterall, a nexus in this case is a dimensional crack where pure arcane magic leaks out of, why couldn't you get more power from the astral plane? you go there, and you find the source of your nexus, a powerful energy spring, and inside it, a crystal emanating pure arcane power. the problem is that if you don't find something to replace it, then everything that feeds of the nexus it creates will die (in this case, you, and parts of northern europe).
about thaboss's attack, "Waise Neiat" yes, does pretty much destroy the whole whatever you're targeting. You can take energy from other living things to use in a spell. If you don't understand anything I or Thaboss used, read the Eragon Series. "Waise Neiat" was in there.
see response to thaboss...
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Elemental Sages (ultimate elemental masters):
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Archangels (ultimate force of good):
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,367,269,758 HP
IS Health: 4,953,000
Weather:Apocalyptic energy storm
Ground Condition: Soaked
Wind: Heavy Winds
on one final note: it's good to be back.