before I begin I have one announcement:
to those of you who have been with this game for a long time, I have decided to allow alexandra222 back into the game.
let's try firing a catapult at the tree to where the wind will take the boulder and speed it up as it goes towards the tree... most of my ideas usually involve boosting other player's attacks or just combining references like the DMC and Sonic The Hedgehog one I did when I first got the guns... speaking of the guns, I also fire at the tree while the boulder's flying through the air.
the boulder itself knocked off some of the ironbark, but it was your own attacks that did the actual damage.
Shouldn't the Apocalyptic Energy Storm dissipate with IS's death?
wow, how did I miss that? thanks for reminding me. with nothing to keep it here, the AES (abbreviated due to how much of a mouthful it is) disperses. however, IS's power still exists in kylelol, which does give him the ability to summon, and control, it (the more he summons, the less control he has).
Hum de ho dum hum ha..... I have no idea what I'm doing. I begin associating my self with Oxygen until I have control over even atoms of Oxygen.
hmmm...not sure what that will accomplish, but very well.
If I don't die, then I'll absorb until I feel some effects.
you absorbed some corruption, which, If you know about the character in the comics, gives you a bane-like level of physical strength.
I look for ways to gain power
(still as vague as ever I see...) this time, the only way for you to get stronger is to permanently bind yourself to dark energy. this is a long, and arduous, process that involves traveling to the very source of dark energy, and binding your esscence to it. do you wish to attempt this?
I attempt to discover the new extent of my power since I just absorbed my insane side.
if you read the whole post, you now see that you can control the AES to a degree. in this level, you can eat corruption and use it to heal your wounds, and another fun little thing which I will only give you an hint to what it is. "even the weakest shadows can become your strongest assets". remember, you may have IS's power, but you don't have his knowledge of dark energy.
I decide that sheokaku is the best name for the sword, after a bit of thought.
sheokaku now fuses it's very esscence into your being. you feel a massive rush of energy, and you can feel electricty all around you (the very minor ammounts like static electricity). you can now harness the power of lightning even better than before. you hear the blade whisper "master" and you feel the swords very soul attached to yours.
Thaboss takes his attack back, and instead focuses on finding ways to increase his power level.
thankfully for you, your dragon is now able to fight with you now. his overall power will be connected to yours, and your strength is augmented.
I take the crystal, and try to merge my very being with it, making sure it doesn't overpower me.
the crystal's power is much more than you could've imagined. you notice that its power level is actually higher than yours. you then discover why. inside the crystal is the soul of a powerful mage who lived in ancient times. his soul is asleep, but if you tap into the crystal too much, then his soul will awaken (the consequneces could be catastrophic if he is evil.) you can still merge with him, but if his willpower is more than yours, he will gain your power, and your body.
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Elemental Sages (ultimate elemental masters):
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Archangels (ultimate force of good):
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,367,269,758 HP
Weather:Apocalyptic energy storm
Ground Condition: Soaked
Wind: Heavy Winds