okay, Killersup will the miners bring the diamond back from the caves, and have them start making them into swords.Once the sword is finished.....Killersup will have his undead workers destroy it and turns it into shards.Then,Killersup will mix the shards with birdseed and feed it to the birds.
the reason for is because the ammount of nutrients in bird **** is extremly high,and some of the nutrients go into the diamond,causing it to harder and to become even more powerfull.
I heard about that, but I thought it only worked on steel.
I electrocute an exposed area of the wood.
not as much damage as you would hope, but still some.
I practice a few dark magic spells.
after a certain amount of time practicing, you managed to get to the point where your spells cast successfully 50% of the time.
Thaboss executes the trick maneuver of getting his dragon to BURN THE MAN TO ASHES!!
the man stops the flames with his hands, but it causes the mail on his hands to melt off.
Warriorcats, are you willing to risk getting hurt?
if blade says it will do something
it really depends on her plan now doesn't it?
i drop thread on that guy (if thaboss dosent burn him alive) then alot of thread on the tree one at a time
the thread is stopped by the warrior's seemingly impenetrable armor. the tree, however, receives some damage. since the attack has been used before, the thread has less of an effect.
I try to break my swords into shards, and then cover my fingertips with the shards. then I scratch the trees exposed spot, with a minion of claws.
IT'S A SANTI DERIVATIVE (sorry, it seemed funny to me). anyway, the attack allows you to rip some of the wood off.
I try using dark magic to weaken the point Light_chaser attacks just before he strikes it.
this amount comes from you adding your power to his attack.
I tell the Thalmor that the Tree worships Talos.
(and here I thought I was done with skyrim references) the thalmor ignore that due to the fact that it is a tree. C'MON SUB, YOU'RE ROUGHLY THE 2ND MOST POWERFUL PLAYER, AND YOU'RE THROWING THESE PATHETIC EXCUSES FOR ATTACKS? REMIND ME HOW YOU GOT THIS STRONG, AND DO SOMETHING AMAZING!
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Elemental Sages (ultimate elemental masters):
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)Archangels (ultimate force of good):
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,366,874,248 HP
Ground Condition: moist
Wind: no wind
@all players- due to this odd lack of creativity, I've decided to half the damage of your attack whenever you decide to repeat one that you have used recently. remember, this will go on until I see one of you throw an attack that will blow me away.