Can i join in this Blade? Pretty please?
it's not whether or not you're allowed to join (you are), but what you do when you start.
I Take out Harmony and Chaos(that's what I'm naming the two infinite ammo handguns) And start charging one up, while using the other to rapidly fire, then when I get a full charge, I go up the tree to where my sword is and fire the full charge shot into the hilt in order to basically smash the sword straight through the tree and make a hole in it, then I toss one of the light-dark balls into the hole made and use a light platform to get away from the tree, then snipe said light-dark ball to cause it to lose coherence and explode inside of the tree.
the tree suffers decent damage.
I recruit an army of 2,000 men with Lee-Enfield Rifles lead by Chuck Norris, who is using his fists and roudhouse kicks. (Yes that is a body part.) They assault the tree for hours on end.
the damage is reduced due to the fact that chuck norris is over 70 years old.
I wait and see what happens to warriorcats.
for now, I suggest that you do something on your own, instead of just waiting.
Black Ops kamikazie on the Tree! May the rein of tomahawks and quick scoping begin on the tree! My Spetsnaz troops tomahawk the tree and 360 quick scope it with Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee. =)
(lack of imagination brings lack of damage) norris is 72, and lee is dead. the rest do minor damage.
Seeing as most organisms would take many millions of years to evolve to the Extent the Tree can evolve in a turn, I extract another sample, and examine it next to samples I've collected earlier for other purposes. I check the particles that have changed the most dramatically over time, and I isolate them. I use magic to convert the DNA that lets the Tree evolve into human compatible stuff, and pray to the gods as I inject myself with it that this works.
you notice that the organic matter is evolving on their own, and is continuing at a rapid rate. so quickly that the moment you try to convert the organic material, the samples re-evolve again based off of the conversion. you notice that one of the samples can be used for total control of the brain (for the tree of course), another gains the power to alter the recipients mana structure (an unknown effect), and the rest start growing into their own creatures (half plant, and half animal). I'll allow you to use one of the three options listed to keep things fair.
Thaboss again tries to break into the guardian's mind.
the 2nd time you try, you notice something odd. the guardian isn't generating any actual sentience of its own. instead, it appears to be receiving commands from an unknown source.
I wait 7 hours
as you wait, you notice a tall, pale-looking man with a black robe covered in random white streaks, and multiple tatoos all over his face. you sense a dark pressure emanating from him, and you can see his very breath chill in the air, even though it is a rather warm night. this man appears to be zavrak based on the innkeeper's description. he walks inside the inn.
Okay,Killersup will walk to the nearest sprout,and use his influence on time to make it grow at a extremly fast rate.Thus turning a 4 year old to the the size of a 25 year old tree.After using his influence powers he will look to the master of time and asks what he thinks of Killersup's "art".
the sage laughs. "a nature magician can do that too," he says, "show me something that impresses me."
I use huge armies of Pyros and Demomen (from TF2) to blast and burn the tree.
since you are new, I'll give you some information. If you use a reference from a video game, please provide a link explaining the reference so that I may be able to judge the attack.
.Since I can't think of any thing else, I go on a quest to become a noble warrior.
a noble warrior has the power to control a single element of his choosing. should you wish to continue this path, you will need to find the druid vartangrial. according to local legend, he runs a shop north of here.
Hey blade.... why have you marked yourself as the "new creator"? You have been the creator for longer than perrykid.
it's true that I have done this longer than the original moderator, but I keep the title out of respect for the old one.
.I fuse my swords with my ironbark and skin.
you gain an "ultimate shield" of sorts. this is basically a ironbark skin that can grow and recede on command. if the shield covers at least your arms (up to the elbow), then your swords will extend from your wrist, and will alter their forms based on your whim. should the shield cover your whole body, then you gain the ability to make the swords extend from anywhere on your body, and still be able to alter their forms.
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Elemental Sages (ultimate elemental masters):
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Archangels (ultimate force of
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,366,546,548 HP
Ground Condition: dry
Wind: none