i go on a quest to gain more power
IN WHAT WAY? please be specific.
Well, it's finally time. I do some checks on my armor, don it and make sure it's secure, then I make a dimensional anchor and jump back into the energy dimension. I create a kind of energy-sucking magic material which I put between the energy source and the tree. As long as the material is provided with energy, it will continue to grow. Then I get the heck out of there.
the weave is infinite energy, so the material can't get all of it. also, the material will last about 3 turns before it crystallizes.
-25% defence
hmm... since I found Harmony and Chaos, can I go on a quest to get more magic weapons, since I love to just infuse them with dark and light anyway.
you can do what thaboss did and forge your own custom superweapon (should you desire, but it will be a quest)
"mmm Hello mighty demon... Please teach me darkness and something that sucks everything in? Pretty please o powerful demon with demonic red aura oround you!!!"
a black scroll appears in his hand, and he gives it to you. the knowledge surges into your mind before you even open it. "there you go. I gave you basic dark magic knowledge. show me you are capable of using it before I grant you any more."
LEVEL UP: Xerox: Dark Mage
Killersup throws up and feels a sudden surge of energy that engulfs his body in a unholy essence.
the energy is beyond any level of unholy you have ever experienced before. you can tell that most normal people would be corrupted pretty soon after using this ring.
I use the wind as kind of a power boost and lauch a devilfire ball that is infused with lightning at the tree, then I go up to the tree and make some parasitic vines rise out of the ground to suck some life out of the tree.
where did you get the ability to do everything except the devilfire?
K. Thaboss wants to get some power. Or undo the spell that blocks him from drawing energy from the living things around him. Yeah. He wan't to undo that (he won't try what he did last time again, it's just a helpful power to have.)
(I believe enough time has passed) I'm giving you that ability back. use it wisely.
I try to slice the tree with the Niten Ryu Blades
not much damage done.
just can we be a team please
I've been watching this, and I'm curious as to how this benefits Subzero. the benefits to you are significant, but you don't even have half the power Sub does. if anything, you will be more of a burden than an asset.
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Archangels (ultimate force of
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current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,362,904,545 HP
Ground Condition: dry
Wind: none