ForumsForum GamesYggdrasil (a "Cut the Tree" Game)

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1,269 posts

Based on [link=]"Cut the Tree" [/link]

First of all, the Yggdrasil is a magical tree of Norse mythology. Surely, if you cut this tree, you cut life to the world, yet the Norse believed that there were creatures constantly biting and picking at the tree, probably to scare somebody.

No memes
No posting own damage
One attack per turn
If I ignore you, its because its a stupid attack, or broke a rule
No being an idiot
No girlfriend/Boyfriend attacks
No protecting the tree by building walls or trenches etc around it(You can become an environmentalist, a norse hero/god, or a lawyer and sue the attackers.)

Because this is a magical tree, there are a few things you can do that you couldn't with a normal tree.

Note that this is the standard for some of the attacks:

A chainsaw will do 1 damage. Try if you really run out of ideas.
A tree cutter also only does 1 damage.
Axe does 1 damage
Battle axe does 2 damage
Norse Battle axe does 3

If people get sued by the tree's friends, they simply lose health.

People get banned if they break a rule or do something that no one likes. And I am the one who decides who gets banned. Every new rules post I make will say who is banned or has died. Banned people are considered 'dead'

Dead people can't come back. It is very hard to die: You have 100 health and unless you do some sort of really dumb or weird thing that just manages to get under the rules, you will receive damage.

To make this a bit more fun, the tree starts off with loads of health. this means that people can do lots of damage(I will decide how much). I'll try to stay active a lot to keep the damage in check.

Tree: 100,000,000,000,000 HP
Climate: No wind and sunny

  • 2,695 Replies
1,046 posts

"Getsuga..... Tensho!" i unleash a wave of black energy from my sword aimed at the tree

605 posts

I channel the energy of the void into a beam that I use to power an energy collector to power an antimatter relay so I can fill my Klien Star Omega with enough EMC to power a super-sized Catalyctic Lens, which I use to blast a hole into the tree. I then use it's secondary power, to make magic-powered explosive projectiles that should damage the tree. I then retreat to my EU generator powering my Mass Fabricator, which I use to make an iridium bomb. I shoot that bomb out of a conventional TnT cannon, that is aimed at the tree. I also use the remaining EMC to use my Volcanite Amulet on the tree. Lastly, I retreat to my collector array, and researching how to craft a reaper's scythe and making more Aeternalis Fuel for it.

883 posts

I fire my Valkyrie Bow at the tree and then find a rock and test my strength out by chucking it at the tree as hard as I can.

1,795 posts

I plant a bomb under it, so the tree's roots are damaged.

960 posts

I hit the tree with my Keyblade combo.

87 posts

I begin to embark upon the mighty quest of the noble warrior. I decide to ask the town wise men (and crazy old men, they always are helpful, yet strange) where to start my journey.

883 posts

I bring blk2860 back to life. (He promised not to do dumb stuff.)

2,487 posts

I rest up to heal my aching muscles.

you rest, and you are fully healed.

I send in a sandstorm followed by a blizzard.

the combination of the two without having a specialty in neither earth, nor ice, leaves you totaly drained. you have to rest in order to attack again

temporarily disabled: Darkfire45

OMG sweet!!!! I thank Bladerunner and choose the Valkyrie Bow as my weapon. (I'm the archer type of guy.) I'm still thinking about who to bring back.

you feel a pulse of holy energy in the bow as you grasp it. there are no arrows to accompany the bow, but that's because you can form them from pure holy fire.

I pray for guidance to true noble warrior status.

in order for you to become one, you need to summon up the will of the warrior (I will not tell you how to do that though)

I go to Iceland, and the ruins of King Haldingr to find the sword Mistilteinn.

you embark on the quest

Forgot me on page 65

I didn't forget you, I just thought returning the reply would be pointless. pichu kills himself for trying to summon lightning (his attacks shock himself if you don't remember) and summoners would be pointless since you already summon crap anyway.

I create a device that can create a black hole. I then place it next to the tree and it activates. I RUN FOR MY LIFE AND URGE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

unfortunately, you couldn't run away fast enough, and the black hole sucks you away. you hit the device on the way in, which prevents anything else from going in.

temporarily disabled: epicness01

I create a barrier of chaos by the black hole generator that, basically, shapes the black hole charge up towards Yggdrazil and away from us.

lol, no point in doing that now.

"Getsuga..... Tensho!" i unleash a wave of black energy from my sword aimed at the tree

(sigh, more bleach, I wish you guys were more creative) unfortunately, you were attacked by arrancars who were sworn to protect the tree after they were defeated by the tree's guardian.

temporarily disabled: ichigo773

I fire my Valkyrie Bow at the tree and then find a rock and test my strength out by chucking it at the tree as hard as I can.

the arrow pierces through the ironbark, and then explodes with a holy fire. the rock knocks off a chunk of the ironbark with very little trouble.


plant a bomb under it, so the tree's roots are damaged.

the roots are pretty strong, nothing you have available at the moment will really do any damage.


I hit the tree with my Keyblade combo.

(I told you were temproarily disabled, follow the rules or you are banned)

I begin to embark upon the mighty quest of the noble warrior. I decide to ask the town wise men (and crazy old men, they always are helpful, yet strange) where to start my journey.

they tell you to visit the shaman in the lands farther to the north.

-100hp(2 turns)

Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)

Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
PerryKid (Original Creator)
Bladerunner679 (Current Narrator)

Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)

Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)

Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)

Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)

Shades: (ultimate dark mages)

Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)

Angels: (ultimate good mages)

Undead: (Dead but put back to life)

current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)

Tree:2,495,473,511,185 HP

Weather: sunny
Ground Condition: wet
Wind: Strong
2,487 posts

just remembered:


tell blk2860 that I will let him back in, but I will be the judge as to whether or not he is doing something stupid.

605 posts

I channel the energy of the void into a beam that I use to power an energy collector to power an antimatter relay so I can fill my Klien Star Omega with enough EMC to power a super-sized Catalyctic Lens, which I use to blast a hole into the tree. I then use it's secondary power, to make magic-powered explosive projectiles that should damage the tree. I then retreat to my EU generator powering my Mass Fabricator, which I use to make an iridium bomb. I shoot that bomb out of a conventional TnT cannon, that is aimed at the tree. I also use the remaining EMC to use my Volcanite Amulet on the tree. Lastly, I retreat to my collector array, and researching how to craft a reaper's scythe and making more Aeternalis Fuel for it and to make enough EMC for the next gargantuan attack if there's any.

1,900 posts

*Sigh* @blk, dude, might be a stupid attack. You know, whatever. I'll let Bladerunner/PerryKid decide whether you get banned again. Anyway, how long will the quest take?

883 posts

I form my holy arrows in a church to make them more powerful then fire them at the tree all while feeding them oxygen from those old people breathers. (No offense old people.)

4,813 posts

I create a whip of pure, intense chaos energy and use it to cut through Yggdrazil at several diagonal angles.

2,487 posts

okay, this is my last post on here before I go to bed for the night.

Booya! I get Atlas (Greek Mythology) to attack Yggdrasil.

(the guy in greek mythology who holds up the earth? lol, if you insist, but I'm keeping you on a short leash)

atlas strikes at the tree, but even his strength wasn't enough to knock down the tree, he did hit it rather hard though.


channel the energy of the void into a beam that I use to power an energy collector to power an antimatter relay so I can fill my Klien Star Omega with enough EMC to power a super-sized Catalyctic Lens, which I use to blast a hole into the tree. I then use it's secondary power, to make magic-powered explosive projectiles that should damage the tree. I then retreat to my EU generator powering my Mass Fabricator, which I use to make an iridium bomb. I shoot that bomb out of a conventional TnT cannon, that is aimed at the tree. I also use the remaining EMC to use my Volcanite Amulet on the tree. Lastly, I retreat to my collector array, and researching how to craft a reaper's scythe and making more Aeternalis Fuel for it and to make enough EMC for the next gargantuan attack if there's any.

(finally, someone other than santi has a really creative, and elaborate attack) you do massive levels of damage, and it creates a hole in the tree about 1ft wide in diameter, and 50ft deep. the tree's magics repair the hole, but the damage takes a lot of power from the tree.


LEVEL UPNorse Hero (glad to see that Santi_ is no longer the only one on that list)

*Sigh* @blk, dude, might be a stupid attack. You know, whatever. I'll let Bladerunner/PerryKid decide whether you get banned again. Anyway, how long will the quest take?

It depends on how detailed your posts are.

It's mythology, Yggdrasil is also mythology

from now on, stick to norse mythology if you can.

I form my holy arrows in a church to make them more powerful then fire them at the tree all while feeding them oxygen from those old people breathers. (No offense old people.)

the tree is hit, but you used christian divinity energies, when the arrow is built for norse holy fire. this seems to alter the arrows somehow. the tree seems changed from the attack, but it still receives damage.


Mystery Effect:yggdrasil

I create a whip of pure, intense chaos energy and use it to cut through Yggdrazil at several diagonal angles.

Your whip cuts deep into the tree, but again you encounter the tree's soothing magics, which starts to interfere with the spell after just a few hits.


-100hp (1 turn left)

Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)

Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
PerryKid (Original Creator)
Bladerunner679 (Current Narrator)

Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)

Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)

Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)

Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)

Shades: (ultimate dark mages)

Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)

Angels: (ultimate good mages)

Undead: (Dead but put back to life)

current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)

Tree:2,495,453,376,085 HP

Weather: raining
Ground Condition: wet
Wind: still
2,487 posts

ok, now this is my last post:

to those of you who are new to this game. to be temporarily disabled, you have thrown yourself into a situation that requires you to lose a turn. the thing is, you losing a turn means that you have to post once on any turn how you get out of that situation. once you do that, you are back in without any penalty, but you can't get back in until you explain how you got out of that situation you got into.

If you don't understand, ask me directly on my profile.


Showing 646-660 of 2695