ForumsForum GamesYggdrasil (a "Cut the Tree" Game)

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1,269 posts

Based on [link=]"Cut the Tree" [/link]

First of all, the Yggdrasil is a magical tree of Norse mythology. Surely, if you cut this tree, you cut life to the world, yet the Norse believed that there were creatures constantly biting and picking at the tree, probably to scare somebody.

No memes
No posting own damage
One attack per turn
If I ignore you, its because its a stupid attack, or broke a rule
No being an idiot
No girlfriend/Boyfriend attacks
No protecting the tree by building walls or trenches etc around it(You can become an environmentalist, a norse hero/god, or a lawyer and sue the attackers.)

Because this is a magical tree, there are a few things you can do that you couldn't with a normal tree.

Note that this is the standard for some of the attacks:

A chainsaw will do 1 damage. Try if you really run out of ideas.
A tree cutter also only does 1 damage.
Axe does 1 damage
Battle axe does 2 damage
Norse Battle axe does 3

If people get sued by the tree's friends, they simply lose health.

People get banned if they break a rule or do something that no one likes. And I am the one who decides who gets banned. Every new rules post I make will say who is banned or has died. Banned people are considered 'dead'

Dead people can't come back. It is very hard to die: You have 100 health and unless you do some sort of really dumb or weird thing that just manages to get under the rules, you will receive damage.

To make this a bit more fun, the tree starts off with loads of health. this means that people can do lots of damage(I will decide how much). I'll try to stay active a lot to keep the damage in check.

Tree: 100,000,000,000,000 HP
Climate: No wind and sunny

  • 2,695 Replies
2,487 posts

I go and send in a drought in an attempt to kill those babies.

that deals with any new source of water, but you still need to get rid of the massive flooding.

I get up to a safe place, and I attempt to boil the water with fire magic, hopefully burning the leviathans.

the water boils, but the leviathans were already a step ahead of you. they mimic light_chaser's heat absorption ability, and increase their rate of growth.

I decide to test my powers at 1% of their level

your powers purify the air around you. eliminating minor bacteria that could give you any diseases.

I repeat the tests, trying to at least get them to get on a button. I then tinker with their A.I. until they can do more complex commands.

you program V.I. into them (virtual intelligence) they can do more complex tasks, but they still aren't smart enough to operate on their own.

Well, when I searched karthuraizan on google, all I got was THIS site, where YOU mentioned it, and a bunch of pictures of cats. -_-
I ask the sword what it means by karthuraizan, while searching for it using my mechanical being, with a cross search of norse mythology. Hopefully that'll narrow down the results.

(lol, you won't find it because I made it up. that's the power of imagination my friend)

the sword then flashes a bunch of images in your mind. many of them involving an ancient hero of the north, and also flashes of a mage's hut in iceland.

As for boolets, I try to find/make special ammunition that can be charged with magic.

you charge titanium bullets with powerful levels of chaos magic.

Oh wait, he's already undead? Well, I just chaos-power him.

lol, he is now corrupted like you.

LEVEL UP: sonicheroes95: Dark Mage

i'll try using a hamdrax on the tree.

(@kylelolcat-Thanks for the explanation) not even that mighty item could pierce the ironbark.

form my energy into a crystallized tube and sniper rifle action, mimicking the Barret .50 caliber sniper rifle, the most powerful sniper rifle at this time. I then put up shields around myself in case it explodes and test fire it.

the sniper rifle was created successfully, and it fired like the real one. the bullets explode like the arrows do: in a burst of holy fire.

Now, I make a Dragonfire sword(Like the one that I pwned Yggdrasil with)and fuel it with center-of-the-earth heat. I also make 3 claw minions and(fueled with center-of-the-earth heat)we all attack the circle.

the circle is undamaged. the hero laughs, "that is a deadly attack, but it isn't your deadliest. I'll give you a hint: this time it isn't about adding heat."

I form a super-sharp sword with chaos, then cut off Poizaz00's head so that he dies instantly and I absorb his soul.

poizaz00 dies, and you feel your other half eat the soul, and getting stronger.

Right after Kylelolcat cuts off Poizaz00's head, and takes his soul, I use the nexus to isolate his mind, and try to make it so that his mind can live on, without a physical being, or a soul, somehow...

you create an artificial soul using the powers of the nexus. you then fuse poizaz's conciousness into the soul, allowing him to be a spirit of guidance.

Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)

Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)

Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)

Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)

Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)

Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)

Shades: (ultimate dark mages)

Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)

Angels: (ultimate good mages)

Undead: (Dead but put back to life)

current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)

Tree:2,495,451,650,870 HP

Weather: sunny
Ground Condition: Flooded
Wind: minor breeze
87 posts

I once again create higs boson (matter and energy at its simplest state, where it is one.). I then from the higs boson into antarctic vibraium sword and armour set. [im not sure if this will work, but I remember you saying adamantium hardness, and way too much marvel when i made a drill out of it. I hope this works!

605 posts

I'm a zombie now, right?

13,701 posts

well, if i can use chaos, i have access to alot more of my abilities... let's kick things off by using chaos storm on the tree. (summon a bunch of chaos spears and lances above my head, then fire them all at once at the tree.)

4,813 posts

I meditate to ask my insane side whether he needs the soul of the other Norse Hero, of if he can work with a soul of a mere Angel, Shade or Noble Warrior.

1,900 posts

I go to Iceland, and search for any traces of magic.

BTW, kylelolcat, what makes you think you can get my soul. You do know that since I fused my soul and mind together to create the nexus, to get my soul, you'll probably have to defeat my mind as well. Which in any human, is their strongest weapon.

4,813 posts

@Santi_: I didn't remember. However, I didn't think I could have your soul anyways, if only because you are a more powerful being than I. This is why I'm asking if he can use a lesser level of being.

17,384 posts

I build a water pump to pump up all the water. I connect a hose to the water pump and fire the water at the portal. Also, I install a filter into the water pump to make sure the leviathan babies doesn't go through. By the way, how big are these babies?

883 posts

I'm kinda worried that Kylelolcat's soul is gonna end up over whelming the part of him that still has control and killing us all. And guys......the Leviathan babies absorb energy, so stop using powerful attacks! You're just making them stronger. I test out my sniper rifle on the iron bark.

1,044 posts

What does that mean? I ask.

272 posts

I get a Holy Grail and shoot the leaves.

272 posts

You do realize that I do not want to cut life to the world, right?

960 posts

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Okay now I'll use the lock ability. Essentially there's a Keyhole on the tree. When locked it prevents heartless from attacking it......(I make a realization)I then instead order the Heartless and the Nobodies to attack the tree and the Keyhole.



1,900 posts

@Kylolcat: I prefer to keep all of my being, right where it is at this moment, unless Blade wants to make an upgraded class that includes players that are fused with a nexus.

2,487 posts

once again create higs boson (matter and energy at its simplest state, where it is one.). I then from the higs boson into antarctic vibraium sword and armour set. [im not sure if this will work, but I remember you saying adamantium hardness, and way too much marvel when i made a drill out of it. I hope this works!

I vaguely remember saying that. you strike at the tree, and it manages to cut into the ironbark. you manage a few more strikes, until the leviathans come and steal your sword from you while they were jumping in midair (they are smart little creatures)


I'm a zombie now, right?

no. in fact, you are actually in the dead position. you can still post, but it isn't attack posts.

well, if i can use chaos, i have access to alot more of my abilities... let's kick things off by using chaos storm on the tree. (summon a bunch of chaos spears and lances above my head, then fire them all at once at the tree.)

because of the fact that you just got these powers, you don't know how to fully work them. your spears fly in the opposite direction of the tree.

I meditate to ask my insane side whether he needs the soul of the other Norse Hero, of if he can work with a soul of a mere Angel, Shade or Noble Warrior.

he tells you how you can use any soul, but his plan has a higher likelyhood of working if you get ones with a prominent level of power.

I go to Iceland, and search for any traces of magic.

you sense powerful magics not very far from you. upon further searching, you find the hut, but the entrance is sealed by a powerful barrier.

I build a water pump to pump up all the water. I connect a hose to the water pump and fire the water at the portal. Also, I install a filter into the water pump to make sure the leviathan babies doesn't go through. By the way, how big are these babies?

(for future reference, they are about the size of a large koi, but they are as strong as an ox)

the white dragon from earlier roars, and destroys the pump. you then see him blow pure magic into the water, which seems to mutate the leviathans.

I'm kinda worried that Kylelolcat's soul is gonna end up over whelming the part of him that still has control and killing us all. And guys......the Leviathan babies absorb energy, so stop using powerful attacks! You're just making them stronger. I test out my sniper rifle on the iron bark.

the bullets explode on impact, but the actually manage to take a chunk off the ironbark. they didn't damage the tree, but it does show the potential to.

What does that mean? I ask.

the hero laughs, and then says, "you are more powerful than you think you are, my little fire warrior. you have the power to control heat itself. this power works in more ways than just throwing fire." he then resumes his meditation.

I get a Holy Grail and shoot the leaves.

I don't know what you mean with this post. please elaborate.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Okay now I'll use the lock ability. Essentially there's a Keyhole on the tree. When locked it prevents heartless from attacking it......(I make a realization)I then instead order the Heartless and the Nobodies to attack the tree and the Keyhole.

they attack, but the tree's magics prevented any real damage.


@Kylolcat: I prefer to keep all of my being, right where it is at this moment, unless Blade wants to make an upgraded class that includes players that are fused with a nexus.

lol, I'll think about it for a while.

Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)

Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)

Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)

Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)

Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)

Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)

Shades: (ultimate dark mages)

Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)

Angels: (ultimate good mages)

Undead: (Dead but put back to life)

current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)

Tree:2,495,451,615,870 HP

Weather: sunny
Ground Condition: Flooded
Wind: minor breeze
Showing 811-825 of 2695