ForumsThe Tavernthe Galactic Federation (Role Play Group)

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2 posts

Yes, this is a Role Play group. I wasn't sure what other categories to put this in, so i thought "The Tavern" was a suitable place to set a recruitment area, if this is exceptionable to the mods on AG. In the Galactic Federation, this is how the government runs.

In the Top of the Triangle there is the Chairman of the Federation, which is me. Then there is Supreme Council members who come together with the Chairman and Military Commander and discuss and vote on important subjects, like Foreign threats, war, society in the Federation and much more. to become a SC(Supreme Council) member a voting is held. Voters are SC members, Chairman, and the Commander of the Military.

The Military is mainly run by the Commander of the Military, but must answer to the Chairman. The Chairman is Leader of the Armed Forces, but the Military Commander runs the military holding training sessions and such. RP'ers join the Military to become stronger and fight for the GF.

Now, for people who ARE NOT RP'ers but are interested in joining the GF, you can become Citizens who vote on laws and laws only. You can have a say in the Government and all suggestions are taken in consideration, and you can get training to become a soldier in the military.

P.S This is a recruitment topic for the GF. the GF is from a different website, but wants to expand. If you are interested, then send me a message, and we can talk. All positions which are Chairmen, and Military Commander are already taken up. New members can only be a soldier or a citizen.

Send me a message on any questions you have, and if you want to join post a comment and send me a message so i can inform you on stuff.

  • 5 Replies
16,287 posts

i'm guessing this would be in forum games, this is a game...right?

5,552 posts

i'm guessing this would be in forum games, this is a game...right?

I'm guessing it's this.

P.S This is a recruitment topic for the GF. the GF is from a different website, but wants to expand.

Which is, by the way, against the rules.

However, if you do want to, you can remake this thread in the Forum Games section and see if anyone is interested.
2 posts

It's not a game. A game would be something you'd play on the website. Role Playing is done through chat. And if this topic is against the rules then a mod can take it down.

16,287 posts

It's not a game. A game would be something you'd play on the website. Role Playing is done through chat. And if this topic is against the rules then a mod can take it down.

Forum games is for that too

also if it's a roleplay chat seems boring, i was contemplating this but now no ._.
5,552 posts

It's not a game. A game would be something you'd play on the website.


Role Playing is done through chat.

What are we reading then?

And if this topic is against the rules then a mod can take it down.

The topic isn't really against the rules, it's the reason for making this thread. You're not supposed to advertise.
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