It is back again! This year will run for six or seven images. So: Can you show me what this is?
Its clearly a tipi in upside down 2D world.
The first results of NASA's new auto-piloted rockets. They should go back to chimps.
Step-DubNo, I don't do drugs. Why?
Some Easter Eggs:Four references to various 'Dub-Step' songs in the picture. Can you find them all?
It's me, sweeping.It isn't poorly drawn. That's what I look like in real life.
I don't listen to dubstep. At All. So no. I can't.Tomorrow is the last day for submissions.
This forum is still eating my posts and a whole page too. Hopefully, this post will bring it back. If not, Maverick4 and Ernie15 will have to repost their mental poops. And Tomorrow is the last day for submission.
A penguin that just slipped on ice.
a fishy!~cj
HTML codes do not work in the forums.If that doesn't work, you copied the wrong link from Photobucket.
Deadlines are for squares.
Too bad I don't go by AG time, so you're still before the deadline.The analyses will be up later, but the million dollar question is "Do you have the million dollar answer?"
Here's mine: Hope this works it's my first
Am I being selectively blind, or is the "assignment lines" just really darn difficult to make out?
I read the BB codes, and now I finally got it...
Thread is locked!