ForumsThe TavernAny Border Collie owners?

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1,824 posts

I am thinking about getting a Border Collie, not immediately but in the not-that-near future, I've read lots of things on the net, but I'd like to hear from a real owner. What are they like? Are they a 'barky' breed?
Note; Don't bother posting if you're just gonna say "Don't have a dog so I can't say" or something along those lines, and don't bother posting if you don't have a Border Collie.

  • 7 Replies
529 posts

i have one!
they are really smart, loving, fun, energetic dogs.. but you have to take them on walks or go to the park with them cause they are active dogs. they are tipicually not barky dogs.. my collie only barks when shes outside, but she gets exited when you walk threw the door and will bark in a happy way showing her perosonality.
i say they are a really good first dogs to get, or an australian shepord theyre a lot alike to the collie only they look different.

1,824 posts

I've heard of the Aussie shepherds. I don't think they can hold a candle to Collies though. I've had dogs before, so I know some tricks. Does your one have a "herding instinct"? Also, do you have a large yard? I've heard they need a large yard, but a breeder tells me some live in apartments and don't even know what a sheep looks like.

134 posts

I personally don't have a Border collie but my grandparents have one. I visit them a lot throughout the year.

What I can tell you from their Border collie is that its a very jumpy dog and it requires you to walk it several times a day (I would have to walk it 6-7 times whenever I visited). This could perhaps cause some trouble with you depending on your life style.

I also can tell you that our Border Collies eat ALOT of food. His plate has to be refilled 4-5 times a day. I'd estimate the dog eats about 0.8 kg of food daily. This can get expansive quite fast.

I understand that there things might only apply to the Collie that we own. However, she is a very friendly dog that doesn't really bark a lot. <--- again, maybe it is only ours.

I hope this helped.

1,824 posts

That makes sense. Border Collies, like most dogs, have very unique personalities. Only basic traits make them similar.

297 posts

i would like to have a dog but my sister is allergic to it
otherwise i would take a chowchow or a border collie

1,824 posts

Come on, surely there's more? I need to know almost everything about this breed.
Another question, would it be better to get a female or a male?

529 posts

I've heard of the Aussie shepherds. I don't think they can hold a candle to Collies though. I've had dogs before, so I know some tricks. Does your one have a "herding instinct"? Also, do you have a large yard? I've heard they need a large yard, but a breeder tells me some live in apartments and don't even know what a sheep looks like.

my dog has herding instincts, she does it at parks if other dogs are their.. warning that might get annoying for the other dogs owners. i dont have a huge backyard but its a good size, i think a bigish backyard would be good but like i said if you take it on walks and to the park often it will be fine.. i personally suggest you get a girl, they are usually calmer and very sweet.
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