I have 73 games rated,20 coments and 8 forum posts and my points stay at 194.I should have 201 armor points,where i think i would become a squire.If not,what are the rules for getting armor points?
Click here to send you to the help page. Either way you wouldn't be a squire...
Ranks: Wood Serf: 10 AP Silver Serf: 25 AP Gold Serf: 100 AP Wood Squire: 225 AP Silver Squire: 400 AP Gold Squire: 625 AP Wood Knight: 1200 AP Silver Knight: 1750 AP Gold Knight: 2250 AP Wood Lord/Lady: 3000 AP Silver Lord/Lady: 3500 AP Gold Lord/Lady: 4000 AP Wood Duke/Duchess: 4500 AP Silver Duke/Duchess: 5200 AP Gold Duke/Duchess: 6000 AP Wood Prince/Princess: 7250 AP Silver Prince/Princess: 8500 AP Gold Prince/Princess: 10000 AP Wood King/Queen: 12000 AP Silver King/Queen: 14500 AP Gold King/Queen: 17500 AP
Actually,reaching the rank is useless for me because most of the avatar are really boring.....And the shield thing is the most simple and beautiful one
Actually,reaching the rank is useless for me because most of the avatar are really boring.....And the shield thing is the most simple and beautiful one
It is also called an armatar there is better ones once you rank up.
Thank you for helping me .Still what is the number of points for rating games and game comments do not cost any points?I tought the number of armorpoints is gained from games ratted+comments+forum posts+games submitted+merits.At first i tought i have started with 100 armor points,then i remembered that there are some accounts with less points.