When i click on a game to play I let it load, everything pops up as normal. I still see the Armor Games logo, but when i press play nothing happens or it either it turns black. This only happens on some of the games I play.
I think that you need to download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. Type it into Google and it should come up. If, once you have done that, it still doesn't work then you probably need to change your browser. e.g: I changed from Internet Explorer to Google Chrome because i had a few problems on Internet Explorer.
Get the latest version of Flash and make sure it is enabled. Make sure StayFocused isn't on nuke. Make sure your firewall is off; or you may be playing the games at school.
If i think about it carefully, i have only had that problem once or twice. I refreshed the page (F5) and it then started working fine after it had finished loading.