ForumsThe Tavern{dup}When did you get freaked out the most in your life?

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When did you get freaked out the most in your life?

  • 8 Replies
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probably on one of my sleepwalking nights... those are horibble. i remember it was much MUCH worse as a child. maybe i cant even remember the time i freaked out the most because of this. anyway its really horibble sometimes. starting from seeing horibble faces whenever time you blink, running up and down the stairs shoting SHARK SHARK. and trying to get away from voldemort by running towards the mirror (all true stories.)

167 posts

sleepover i have to agree wid thebluerabbit cause its happend lots of times on sleepovers.

1,044 posts

this is a copy of my thread, "what is the most scary thing that has EVER happened to you."

1,066 posts

this is a copy of my thread, "what is the most scary thing that has EVER happened to you."

Link please.


I witnessed something really creepy one time; i was at a sleepover and just past the middle of the night i was talking to my friend and something kept yanking on my bed sheets from the other side of where my friend was sitting. I tried pulling and pulling but i couldn't move it and it kept pulling back. For the rest of the night i was staring into the darkness.
1,810 posts

Here ya go Lucas and light_chaser. My work here is done.

5,340 posts

I witnessed something really creepy one time; i was at a sleepover and just past the middle of the night i was talking to my friend and something kept yanking on my bed sheets from the other side of where my friend was sitting. I tried pulling and pulling but i couldn't move it and it kept pulling back. For the rest of the night i was staring into the darkness.

oh wow that reminds me. after watching "are you afraid of the dark" (not sure if thats the english name of the show) i had to go to sleep. now as a child, even though i used to watch many horror movies (iresponsible father :/) i was still a very coward person and that show used to really scare me (it was an episode about a dead guy in a pool if you want to be specific).

i couldnt sleep and just stared at the ceiling for a long time thinking about that movie. then, i felt something is touching my leg (over the blanket). i was literally frozen. i was so scared i couldnt look what it was. a few moments later i felt the same thing on my arm. i gathered all the courage i had and.... called my dad for help XP (in a whispering voice too XP). i was still frozen and couldnt see what that was. then i heard my father and i was so happy that he was on the way. and then... my whole bed (it was a tall bed you have to climb) shook in a really agressive way.

when he came... we found out it was our cat who walked on me and stepped on my leg and arm. and since my parents wouldnt let him on my bed, when he heard that my father was coming he jumped of of it and that made it shake.

ill never forget that one X(
205 posts

When I first saw Ju-On, I stopped hiding myself under the blanket. I just close my eyes >.<

1,066 posts


Thanks for that! Well, i don't know what this thread is doing still open but the story carries on anyway.

oh wow that reminds me. after watching "are you afraid of the dark" (not sure if thats the english name of the show) i had to go to sleep. now as a child, even though i used to watch many horror movies (iresponsible father :/) i was still a very coward person and that show used to really scare me (it was an episode about a dead guy in a pool if you want to be specific).
i couldnt sleep and just stared at the ceiling for a long time thinking about that movie. then, i felt something is touching my leg (over the blanket). i was literally frozen. i was so scared i couldnt look what it was. a few moments later i felt the same thing on my arm. i gathered all the courage i had and.... called my dad for help XP (in a whispering voice too XP). i was still frozen and couldnt see what that was. then i heard my father and i was so happy that he was on the way. and then... my whole bed (it was a tall bed you have to climb) shook in a really agressive way.
when he came... we found out it was our cat who walked on me and stepped on my leg and arm. and since my parents wouldnt let him on my bed, when he heard that my father was coming he jumped of of it and that made it shake.
ill never forget that one X(

Well, that reminds me of a different scary thing that happened to me when i was about 4!

I was in my bed and i woke up coughing. I aimagined a steriotipical burglar (Brown sack on his pack wearing a black and white shirt and a sort of 'Zorro' mask over his face). At that point, i was really scared. I imagined him looking down at me and not moving at all - just staring. I tried to call my dad for help but i couldn't shout. I was whispering. I kept screaming and screaming for help but i was just whispering the whole time! Then my dad came in. I don't know whether he heard me or he was just checking up on me.

I know that i only imagined it but at the time, being only 4 years old, i was really scared. :P
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