This is a thread where I will post one song every week that I want to put the spotlight on! The song can from any genre of music or from any decade. And it's all so I can get a wider range of opinions on the song
I will only post songs I enjoy, but feel free to make suggestions on my profile and I'll give your suggestion a listen
I feel I have the musical knowledge/appreciation to make a thread like this. I own more than a hundred albums and listen to rap, rock, metal, indie, electronic, everything really.
Also. My songs will not always be singles, they might be hidden in the middle of an album :P I will do my best to provide videos of artist performing the song live as well as the recorded version of the song And I don't intend on going into the history of each band/artist because this is really about the song :P
And for every song I would really like to hear other peoples opinions! But please don't hate on a song just because you don't like the genre :P Be open to new things! And if you like the genre but don't like the song, let me know why!
TL;DR - A new song that I like gets posted every week. Listen to it. Tell me what you think. Songs from all genres and times, as long as I like it!
Now picking a first song was difficult considering people will likely ignore everything I've said previously and assume that it's my favourite song ever. It's not. Although it is by one of my top 10 favourite Canadian bands :P
The Guess Who - American Woman
- Live performance
This song only needs one video as it sounds so similar to the studio version live!
I like this song for so many reasons. The guitar solo is just amazing. Burton Cummings' voice is haunting, and with his facial expressions and all the sweat you can see how much passion he has.
You could look at it the song the simple way and say it's just about American Women. But band members have stated that it's also about the differences between Canada and America.
A popular cover of the song was done by Lenny Kravitz. I don't enjoy it as much, his version is mostly sex themed and ignores the political side of the original. And he skips the signature guitar solo because he "Couldn't get the sound. Couldn't get the tone."
Delos does almost nothing with that thread at this point. He hasn't updated it in over a month. That, and everything Delos updates with is very recent (as in last 1-3 years), which I'm fine with, but I like some older songs in there as well. As for the song, I like it, but I feel it gets overplayed sometimes. Personally, I like Sweet Mother Nature/ No Sugar Tonight better. But The Guess Who are a pretty good band.
Wait, is this an attempt to take over the thread in the stickies? Or did you just not see it?
Not at all. This thread and that one can co-exist. But I do notice it isn't updated often and as Waluigi stated. I will not exclude older songs. And of course this is my thread and is based around my opinion on music unlike his thread which is based around his opinion.
I though a while about it and feel that what I'm doing is acceptable :P
As for the song, I like it, but I feel it gets overplayed sometimes. Personally, I like Sweet Mother Nature/ No Sugar Tonight better. But The Guess Who are a pretty good band.
No Sugar Tonight is a wonderful song which is one of my 5 favourite from the band Some other songs from them which I love are Guns, Guns, Guns, Sour Suite, Hand Me Down World, and my personal favourite is actually Undun
The song of the week will likely be posted every monday
Today's song is Rock n' Roll Lifestyle by the band Cake!
Live Version:
The reason I picked this song is because it isn't a single. It's just a random song off of one of their albums.
It shows how good every one of this band's songs are. They can all stand on their own. This one showcases the good guitar and the horn and the awesome droning, talk-singing vocal style of the singer. I've loved this band since I first heard their music just a year or two ago. I really didn't know about them before that, and wish I did :P I missed seeing them live and really regret it and am definitely going to see them next time they come to town
Here is the album version:
If you don't get the point of the song, then you need to pay more attention to the music you listen to :P So I'm not even going to tell you what it's about. You can just keep listening till you get it.
Correction. This was actually their first single ever. I'm an idiot. But that's what I get for just saying all the info off the top of my head and not actually googling the band to make sure I am right :P
And I own the album too so I should know >.>
I bought the album Pressure Chief this weekend so now I am only missing two of the six studio albums