I don't think it has ever worked. I have no idea why it is there when it doesn't display anything, but it has been there forever, and it has never ever worked.
I filled mine in the day I joined and it took me this long to realize that the link (which also doesn't work) is still there. I can understand why they'd remove a feature like that, even if it was before it even worked, but it's puzzling that they would only remove it partway.
It was there the day I joined AmorGames as a member, but it has never worked for me either, just like the rest of the AG users - duhh
But I think they merely made some features for the profiles and then later on decided that it would be a bad idea, or simply too much, to have on someone's profile, so they simply disabled it and forgot about it since then. AG Admins are human too, you know...