ForumsWEPRSlaves making Chocolate

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1,900 posts

Well, if you guys don't know yet, plantations in Africa, specifically the Ivory Coast, use child slaves to harvest cocao beans. They are either kidnapped from their homes, usually from poverty, or are falsely misleaded into their families taking them to work in "good" conditions "fair Pay" and will come back in "2-3 months". Then they are taken to the boarder of Africa, where they meet bribed officers who let them through, and then go to the deepest of jungles, where hidden cocao plantations are held. They work fthe entire day, resting for anly a few hours, and fed a corn paste, only enough to survive. If somone cannot carry a bag, they are brutally tortured and beaten by their captors. They keep working until death, then their corpse is thrown into a ditch. This cocao is bought by several chocolate companies, who's headquarters is in AFRICA. Some companies include, Hershey, Mars, Nestley, and most chocolate manufacturers. They have signed a contract that by the early 2000's they would only get fair-trade chocolate, but it is 2012. They have signed another contract, but how can we believe them again? You can get fair-trade chocolate at certain stores, or online. This has been going on for decades. The government in the Ivory Coast has made using child slaves illegal, but there is so much corruption in their government, it is all most inpossible to stop without everyone's help. Please, please, support fair-trade chocolate and try to spread the information. Though Hershey has only discovered this a few years ago, they signed another document promising that they will stop using non-fair trade chocolate. Thanks for listening to this issue, and, well, bye.

  • 57 Replies
2,413 posts

Honestly, I kinda laughed when I looked at the title. Does that make me a bad person?

2,487 posts

Remember slaves where sub-human. They were stupid blacks with no brains. Why lobby for them? Think about it before you answer.

religious basis first off, just like the other thread to break the law for what you believe in. they wanted to do it also so that they could break southern economy and base it off the labor of free men, as was the god given right to be free at that time. this is what I've been trying to argue again and again. abolitionists at first just wanted to return them to africa as free men (which is how the african country of liberia was founded), but soon saw that all men in the US should live freely together.

I know way more about US history than you think I do.

They were stupid blacks with no brains.

are you saying abolitionists like frederic douglas, or harriet tubman had no brain? you as a brit wouldn't know much about US history.

if you are going to fight me using US history, check your facts first.

1,900 posts

First off, don't be racist, state your opinion, but don't insult anyone. Second, don't start an argument over what anyone, or even what I said. Don't shoot the mesenger.

5 posts

First of all, this is AFRICA'S problem. Second of all, why don't you just raise up people from poverty, don't let people sign up, and there you have it, problem solved. Third of all, is posting a complaint on a site with bad grammar and punctuation gonna help? It's like putting on oxygen masks in a plane. First solve OUR problems (SOPA, Unemployment, Terrorism, etc.), and THEN we march over and help everyone. The other way around is just going to give us the same problem as Africa. Go fix THIS country's problems first, OK?

135 posts

The problem is that no one wants to get shot or die of starvation. Also, no one would really hear about protests because there's not much media coverage there.

Did we forget about Tank Man in Tiananmen Square? He stood up in front of a LINE of tanks and stayed even though he knew he might die.

Here's an entire column from the New York Times if you're interested in learning more.
9,439 posts

Did we forget about Tank Man in Tiananmen Square?

Did we forget about media coverage? There aren't many cameras in central Africa. If no one hears about it, it's like it never happened.
135 posts

Did we forget about media coverage? There aren't many cameras in central Africa. If no one hears about it, it's like it never happened.

True, but wouldn't there be at least one of the news crews from around the world covering this? It obviously has significance to many major industries.
653 posts

I have one important question. Does slave chocolate taste better?

Slavery isn't just for cacao beans/pods. I remember reading an article 5 or so years ago about child slaves in Africa. A lot of families can't afford to feed all their children so they give/sell them to people who use them for work. Some "masters" are nicer than others and actually do feed them and clothe them. Sometimes they even pay them but its very little. Don't get me wrong I think its f**ked up.

4,689 posts

Well at least they aren't being used as soldiers. :P To be serious the numerous problems in africa would require a worldwide effort to set up some stable governments. Stability could come from within but it will take a large change in the world economy for that to happen.

9,439 posts

True, but wouldn't there be at least one of the news crews from around the world covering this?

Not really. BBC is the only one that usually covers anything in Africa, and it's usually just to talk about war/violence or natural disasters. No one really cares about the chocolate industry.
5,129 posts

Did we forget about Tank Man in Tiananmen Square? He stood up in front of a LINE of tanks and stayed even though he knew he might die.

and do you know what happens whit this tank man?
he disapeared and is probably killed by the government after extreme abuse on his body and mind.
he became a icon for the world, except his own country. chinese people are unable to find info about the 1989 protests in china on the internet.

True, but wouldn't there be at least one of the news crews from around the world covering this?

slavery in africa is not uncommen. that this story has come out is already because of media =)

No one really cares about the chocolate industry.

2,487 posts

True, but wouldn't there be at least one of the news crews from around the world covering this?

I remember hearing of one news crew that called themselves "vanguard". they actually go into the stories that most news stations wouldn't dare touch. they've done quite a few so far, but I don't know if they have reported the slavery chocolate.

I also saw 60 minutes report about african gold slavery. same basic story as the chocolate, but with gold instead. about 1% of all the gold jewelery in the US is african slave gold.

5,129 posts

I also saw 60 minutes report about african gold slavery. same basic story as the chocolate, but with gold instead. about 1% of all the gold jewelery in the US is african slave gold.

check out the diamond mines in sierra leone

their nickname is blood diamonds
2,487 posts

their nickname is blood diamonds

I've heard of those. bunch of people died there for a chunk of crystalized carbon. sad story.

5,129 posts

well not so much a bunch of people.
more like a few civil wars and different rebelions are still fighting over it today.

the people working in those mines are not doing it for themself. they are just as much slaves as the chocolate slaves.

and if i could choose i rather be a chocolate slave.

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