Just like it says. It was working fine last night and when I tryed to play again today it like this for the beta and old site. Won't let me click on it to log in or anything.
heres some pics to show you what I'm dealing with. (and yes I've cleared my cashe, the only thing that did was delete my game saves...)
Old site
New (Beta) site
as you can see im loged in, and to top it off it will not even give me the option to log in in-game (even if im logged out). The only thing I can think of is there is something messed up with the account server(s) as it was said in another post there was something with mirgration or something that was being done/unfinished.
Okay, please excuse my absolute cluelessness: Is this a problem with the beta site only? Because in that case it might very well be because your info is tied to your account, and such information will not be migrated to the beta site before the launch. Mostly it means that you should treat the beta as a whole other site, instead of a beta to AG, because none of the information you need besides your name is actually there.
Is this a problem with both the sites? In which case I will recommend seeing Justin about it. Of course you will need a good, attentioncatching title, if you are unwilling to wait those three to six weeks it currently seems to take for them to reply.
The problem is on both sites. It seems to be somekind of problem with the account database/server. The only thing that pops into mind why this would happen now is because of the migration.
And it now seems to be fixed. Im guessing something stopped being in limbo...
since you TL;DR the whole **** thing. (not sure if under 13 or lazy....)
I paid for The Survival Kit, there was a glitch in the login system where the login server was NOT Fuctioning in-game rendering the paid for content un-useable. This has now been fixed in the past 3 hours(somehow...), my guess is that more than likely this problem was caused by the mirgration to the current "beta" site.
I don't play the game, I couldn't see what the issue was from the pictures, so what I got out of it was "I have some issues with the stuff I have paid for. Here is some pictures that doesn't look like each other, and could it be the migration thing?" Since migration has nothing at all to do with this current site, I was confused.
Either way, as said: If you cannot access your paid content, you should go talk to Justin as several stickies says in this section. He and the admins work with this stuff, and they are the only ones that can fix stuff like that.
He's not the only one with the problem. I'm logged in as well, and when I try clicking on the "Armor Games Enabled, Log In Now" or "Survival Kit Premium Content" links, I get bupkis.
I'm wondering: maybe something got accidentally disconnected when they put the "Dead Zone" link on the main menu?
Hey, excuse the double post, but I went and cleared the cache in my browser and tried again. The Survivor Pack and sign-in came in clear as a bell and right as rain. Maybe that'll help, folks?
Yozard, there are many people of late reporting issues with The Last Stand.
This is an older thread (early 2012) you're replying to; try and search this forum for more recent threads on it. (Doing an Advanced Google search, using keywords "site//armorgames.com/community/" +"The Last Stand: Union City" or somesuch.) Or just scroll over the last page or two, three of this Support sub-forum.
I think bottom line is, and if you're not blocking something at your end (check your settings, ad blockers, script stoppers, and whatnot), you may have to take it up with the game keepers/developers. Over at http://conartistgames.com/ , they have a forum of their own.
using keywords "site//armorgames.com/community/" +"The Last Stand: Union City" or somesuch.
I think most recent reports actually will be about the Last Stand: Dead Zone, but probably just because that's the newer game. Since I reckon they're both hosted on the same servers though, presumably any issues will affect both.
But so you may have to adjust any search strings accordingly.