You start of at age 10, As a kid you cannot have a job or get a date, you can only go to elementary school. But as you get older you get more fond of your opposite gender and feel more rebelious. sSoon but not yet.
yay(I hate this)sheet time
Name: Age:10 Gender: -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:15 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day30am Hunger:0/100 Happiness:0/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventoey: Equiped: Location:You're house(bedroom)
Evertone's story's have the same choices but just because their time changes doesn't mean your's does to. Basically everyone has their own story. You can spend your acedemic points whenever you want. You can even trade your points for cool, rare items and gain more points by doing activities.
You can find part-time jobs at the billboard or type "look for help wanted posters" at town square. You must be at least 14 to get a PT job. For a full time job go to the office, stores, or bill board, or resturants etc. You must be at least 20 and pass your colledge exams to get a full-time job.
You can do activities and earn acedemic points at your school. then there will be a bar like this: 0/20 complete. If the activitie is finished you get points.(kinda reminds me of highschool hero)
If your hungry you can go home and eat, go to the convenient store and buy snacks. Healthy foods increase energy, health but decrease happiness. Regular foods increase energy. Sweet or fast food increase happiness, energy but decrease health. If your 13 or older you can go to resturants like the coffee shop or seafood resturant. Sometimes you are alowed to eat at a frien's house but you're friend must confirm it. If not order takeout but cost money and health.
I spent OVER 9000(not really) minutes making this so at LEAST apreciate it cuz my fingers are getting cramps. You will find more actions to do during the game. Feel free to ask non-stupid non-insulting questions if you get stuck. Remember to include your character sheet if you're doing an action or interacting with items/people. You don't have to inclute the sheet when asking a question(although it would be nice since I get confused easily and I spent a long time making it.
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House (Living room)
-Agree to this babysitting thing (he/she might be nice but after fairly odd parents you think not)
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House (Living room)
You smile and say "THAT WOULD BE GREAT!" You're mother says "oh great, I thought you wouldn't agree to this and think we hate you. So glad you understand(I guess)"
you're mom puts on her waitress uniform and drives to work EARLY because she wanted to make a good impression. Youre babysitter named Nami comes in and says"why hello! you must be uuumm ummm.....
(waht ddo you say?)
-(Tell her you're name)
-Woow you're a babysitter who can't even remember people;s name.
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House (Living room)
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House (Living room)
babysitter:No don't worry I remember you're name now! I'ts john!
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House (Living room)
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House (Living room)
So you leave you're name anonymouse. The sitter makes cookies that taste like heaven. You take a bite out of one and dance around like a ballet(Lets hope not literally) She forgets to introduce herself. She says "hi my name is vicky(kidding) Amanda!" She is doing a babysitting program for her colledge cred. You guys play a quick game of checkers then you take the bus to school.
Today You're friend is sick so you
-Sit behind the girl you dont know (middle. Why does she always sit there?)
-Sit in front of these cool kids(too cool to sit anywhere else)
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House (Living room)
-Sit behind the girl you dont know (middle. Why does she always sit there?)
Name:Manda Age:15 Job:Part-time cosplay cafe waitress.(not those sexy kinds the funny kinds) Special Perk: I learned Martial arts for over 10 years Bio: A short girl who looks kinda boyish, Kinda random and childish but really fun to hang with Equiped Items: T-Shirt, Jeans, Tennis Shoes, Sweatshirt Sword Food: 4 Squaffles(+15 HP) 3 pie slices (8HP) 2 cups of punch (5HP) Weapons: Sword (10DMG 15HP) Other Inventory: NONE Item Amount: 0/25 Health(HP): 140/140 --------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM Lucky (x1) 40/40 HP ---BIO--- Given to you by his dad, because Luckyneeed to grow up --Equipped Items: Bow, Cardboard Box --Inventory: NONE --------------------------------------------------------------- PERKS Weapons:5 Strength:5 Talking:5 Sneaky:5 Luck: 5 clothes Creativity:5 Other: Friendly Monsters --------------------------------------------------------------- MONSTERS ENCOUNTERED Cake monster (x1) 160 HP --- 10 DMG Cake monster kids (x5) 10 HP Dad monster (x1) 110HP --- 15 DMG Kid monster (Lucky) (x1) 20HP
The girl is waering glasses. Her eyes are all focused on the book. She turns around and says "Hi! im Jessie!" You reconize her face and you're like Oh ya! she's im my class!. You guys have a short conversation. Then you ask:
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House (Living room)
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House Bus
OOps sorry lol
You ask if she plays any games. You realize she doesn't play a lot of onlie games. She asks you and you respond. "Ummmm Checkers?"
The cool kids laugh at you and the bully beside you thows a crumpled piece of paper at you which says NERD (seriously, People on the bus NEVER change seats) Do you
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day02 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:House Bus
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day05 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:Bus
You ran towads the cool kids but the bus stops and you fall. The kids start laughing at you. You feel humiliated but the girl just keeps reading her book. You wan't to kill everyone but instead:
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day05 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:Bus
Name: Jack Age:10 Gender:Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:Armorwood Elementary school Part Time jobsTOO YOUNG) Full Time JobsTOO YOUNG) Money:$10 Acedemic points:20 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day45 Hunger:100/100 Happiness:80/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:Bus
They keep teasing you but then the driver says "ENOUGH! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I TEASED YOU FOR A YEAR" all is quiet.
you arrive at school and blah blah blah blah (kidding) and you make it into class. It's reccess now. You:
-Play with you're other friends
-talk to the girl on the bench reading
-Eat you're snack. You're babysitter packed yummy cookies
When is the BOLD stuff going to change?
Read the very first post! you have to spend you're acedemic points like everyone else. If you wan't you can save them up for special offers that randomely appeer in the game or after everytime you age up.