ForumsThe TavernSmoke Breaks?

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146 posts

I don't know how many people here are at the age where they work, or work full time at least :P

But for the people who do work, how do smoke breaks work for you?

I don't smoke myself, but the employees at my company who do smoke get extra breaks because of this and I find it really unfair.

I'm just wondering what your opinion is on this and how it is where you work :S

  • 8 Replies
1,386 posts

That sounds really unfair for somebody who doesnt smoke, try convincing your boss or try "fake smoking" pretend you smoke for more breaks.

112 posts

I get the same amount of breaks as the non-smokers.

13,657 posts

Obviously the non smokers should start taking up their coffee/soda/jump about/is that cake/toilet breaks.
Never was a problem where I have worked, at least as far as I know.

5,340 posts

that is really stupid and unfair. so just because they decide to damage their health they get more breaks? cigaretes are not something that is essential to live.

we at work... we dont have official breaks. we take as many breaks as we want to and for how long we want to. but obviously we cant overdo it. if you work with someone then you cant just put it all on him and even if you didnt care you just cant do it because youl get fired. if your alone then taking a break means you have to work more after the break.

so you use strategy to take a break. and when you want to eat or anything like that and you can do that AND work then sometimes its better to do both then just eating because your lazy.

but really...getting more breaks because you want to polute your body is a really horibble thing...

146 posts

Obviously the non smokers should start taking up their coffee/soda/jump about/is that cake/toilet breaks.
Never was a problem where I have worked, at least as far as I know.

Well see we only get a lunch break. No coffee breaks. But there seems to be an unwritten rule that you can stand around and do nothing as long as you're smoking :S

And It's difficult bringing it up considering the boss smokes >.>

I work in construction, so working hard and being productive is pretty **** important...

That sounds really unfair for somebody who doesnt smoke, try convincing your boss or try "fake smoking" pretend you smoke for more breaks.

I don't think I would get away with that :P

Keep in mind I have nothing against smoking :P I've smoked a cigarette or two but it's not really for me :P
13,657 posts

And It's difficult bringing it up considering the boss smokes >.>

Question: Is this outdoor construction or indoor? That is, do they have to go outside to smoke, or are they just so lazy that they can't work and smoke at the same time, because in the latter case, that would be something to take up (lack of productivity), and in the former, it would be something you could discuss with your boss (like getting a coffee break or two, or restrict the number of smoking breaks to one every two hour or so).
146 posts

Question: Is this outdoor construction or indoor? That is, do they have to go outside to smoke, or are they just so lazy that they can't work and smoke at the same time, because in the latter case, that would be something to take up (lack of productivity), and in the former, it would be something you could discuss with your boss (like getting a coffee break or two, or restrict the number of smoking breaks to one every two hour or so).

Well, it's new construction but it's wood frame. Usually windows aren't up yet so you could consider it outside. But we're doing townhomes at the moment and they usually go down the stairs and outside to smoke.

I believe it would be possible to smoke while working but I don't know if it's safe :S

13,657 posts

Then is is obviously something where productivity is lost. You should take that up with your boss or any... managers (or union representatives or something), since obviously those people smoking means there is stuff that doesn't get done. If those people than say it would be unfair to not let them feed their addiction, you should develop a sudden addiction for touching the ground or something.

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