And if you want a random game just close your eyes and randomly click on any game.
I tried that and i clicked on an advert. -_-
What i do, instead of trying to randomly click, is type in any letter of the alphabet into the ArmorGames search bar and press enter. I then search for games that are less popular or unknown when i am bored.
Ultimately, I don't really see the point of implementing such a minor change. If you want a random game, another method would be to type this into your URL bar:
And all the games on AG, all 80 pages of them should come up, awaiting your selection. Knock yourself over.
This question has been asked repeatedly in the past and always gets the same answer...
It 'might' be implemented in the new ArmorGames v3.0 website in the near future, though nothing is certain about it. And as far as the advertisements go for online games on other websites, that's the moneycow for ArmorGames and can't be disregarded... maintaining websites (especially if they are FREE) is a costly business and the money has to come from somewhere... hence the advertisements!
For more information and insight, have a look at this former stickied thread about the topic :
And if you want to help ArmorGames, click an advertisement every now and then and visit their sponsors! Then you're to be considered as a good AG user!