ForumsPopular Mediastarwars ep.7

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i think it will be about the apprentice how about you

  • 26 Replies
1,416 posts

I think it should be about how the republic turns to ruin when it turns out that none of the leaders of the rebellion know what they are talking about.

Eventually, some surviving official of the empire takes control, and reinstates a dictatorship government. At first, everyone is behind it. But then some people decide that they would STILL rather have things controlled by lazer-sword wielding wizards, so there is ANOTHER rebellion.

Then, we just continue this pattern until George Lucas makes enough money to control the earth.

Then, in real life people rebel against George Lucas, hopefully using some sort of laser weapon. Then we make a documentary about that, and call it Star Wars: The Bearded Menace.

Or maybe it will just be a romantic comedy about Han Solo and Princess Leia. I don't know...

14,745 posts

They never fully sifted through that whole galaxy during episodes 1-6, so...

...who's not to say that in a dark forgotten corner a devious mastermind was lurking for the opportunity to take over once the Empire was brought to it's knees?

Say... a forgotten dark knight by the name of "Darth Dredd" with an epic punchline like "I-AM THE LAW!" while weilding his lightsaber?!

He could very well have gone mad and turned to the dark side because of his lost love "Princess Adrian"... something even his mentor "oMic-key-Nobi" couldn't stop and so, he had to turn to the council to help him turn back to a jedi knight. "Darth Dredd" learned of the fact that his former friend "HanA-pollo" had been slayed by "Darth Drago", his competing adversary for the heart of "Princess Adrian", he rushed over to the U.S.S.R. (United States Statooine and Ralderaan) and finally faced him... "Darth Drago" said 'I most brrake youww', but "Darth Dredd" countered this with a loud cry... "ADRIAAAANNN" he shouted as he rushed towards "Drago" and in an overwhelming jawdropping epic major superfantastic (it lasted for 2,5 hours of film you know...) awesome mindblowing lightsaber-fight -that was told to be seen on the planet of Naboo, lightyears away!- "Darth Dredd" was victorious in the end!
While crouched on one knee, sweat dripping from his forehead, he noticed a shadow in the corner of his eye... when he looked up, he saw "Princess Adrian" standing there in a blinding light and then immediately realised he was saved... he then reclaimed his former name "Ram-Bo Jinn" and lived happily everafter with his new found love...


Smells like another job for Stallone here...

3,437 posts

There will not be, nor should there be, Epissode 7. Sources indicate that Lucas (finally!) is wrapping up his career with a few minor projects and will not add on to his cash cow.

709 posts

I dont think there will be a ep7. i have all 6 movies.. very good... i like prequel the best tho... CANT BE HATING ON JAR JAR :P

3,437 posts

I have a little test. I want one of you who enjoys the Star Wars prequels to describe the plot of The Phantom Menace. I'd also like to see who you believe the main character(s) is.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

The Phantom Menace

Galactic Republic in decline. Trade Federation blockades Naboo in protest of increased taxation. Valorum sends the two Jedi to negotiate. Negotiations fail. Trade Federation invades Naboo, manipulated by Sidious, whilst the two Jedi save the exile Jar Jar who takes them to the Gungan leader, who refuse to help the people of Naboo because of a long standing feud. Amidala captured by the Federation, but is saved by the Jedi, who try to escape Naboo, but due to the ship being damaged, land on Tatooine. They meet Anakin, spend some time repairing the ship. Jedi find he has high midi-chlorian count and bring him along, Skywalker is later set free when he wins a race. After being attacked by Darth Maul, they then went to Coruscant to convince the Republic to help them, however are rebuffed. Faced with no other choice, they go back to Naboo (Couldn't they have communicated via hologram on the planet itself?), rally the Gungans to their side. Gungans would hold the droids on land, whilst the Queen's small starfighter fleet try to knock out the droid control ships. The Jedi are attacked by Darth Maul, who kills off Qui Gon, which leads to Kenobi killing him. Skywalker saves the day by disabling the controls accidentally via the Force. Palpatine becomes Chancellor, and Anakin bcomes a Jedi Apprentice.

Main Characters: Qui Gon, Kenobi, Amidala, Jar Jar, Darth Maul. I would say the rest are more minor, Skywalker appeared half way through only.

Some of the people in the thread clearly have no idea of Star Wars apart from the six movies, which is a tiny, tiny, tiny part of the entire Star Wars Lore. I have huge doubts another movie will be made because none of the major wars or movie worthy stories can even be made in one movie for it to be respectable.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Eventually, some surviving official of the empire takes control, and reinstates a dictatorship government. At first, everyone is behind it. But then some people decide that they would STILL rather have things controlled by lazer-sword wielding wizards, so there is ANOTHER rebellion.

You somehow did manage to actually write out what happened subsequently after the Empire fell. The Imperial Remnant rose, which led to more war etc. There was a separate Sith Empire too if I was not wrong.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I also inevitably revealed just how massive a nerd I am. Darn.

3,766 posts

I also inevitably revealed just how massive a nerd I am. Darn.

We are all nerds if we are posting on this thread.

Is there really going to be a 7th Star Wars? My guess is it will follow the books or there will be a Star Wars war over if the books or the movie is correct.
1,810 posts

Unless you count episode 1 in 3D a seventh episode, there will not be a George Lucas directed seventh Star Wars. And I am pretty sure there is no actual movie in production. No trailers exist and all google/bing searches lead to parady/fan-made youtube videos.

3,087 posts

i say if they are going to make more movies they should be about the Yuzannh Vong war, (yes i misspelled it)

4,710 posts

they could make "the purple cristal" as the 7th movie. or an other star wars book.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

i say if they are going to make more movies they should be about the Yuzannh Vong war, (yes i misspelled it)

I would second that, though it would take much more than just one movie to explore the story to its full potential.
3,766 posts

i say if they are going to make more movies they should be about the Yuzannh Vong war, (yes i misspelled it)

There is so much in between the Return of the Jedi and this though. It would be good as a 9th or maybe 10th movie but if it was the 7th there would be a giant gap.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

There is so much in between the Return of the Jedi and this though. It would be good as a 9th or maybe 10th movie but if it was the 7th there would be a giant gap.

Don't worry, non-nerds won't even have a clue that there's a chunk in between.
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