ForumsThe TavernCenere has gone bye bye

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4,104 posts

Well,Cenere has left a notice on his profile that he has resigned as a moderator on AG due to school, work, and all that other annoying stuff life makes you do, so here's a thread to say your goodbyes and admit any secret crushes you had on him.

  • 9 Replies
4,104 posts

Oops, forgot to mention, he's not actually fully leaving, just not going to be a moderator anymore due to inability to spend much time on the forums.

1,903 posts

and admit any secret crushes you had on him.


Oh, wait.. Yeah, that was pretty obvious. Never mind.

But yeah.. Dude was my favorite. C'est la vie. Hope the free time is good on him. Lawd knows he deserves it.

I'm still annoyed I wasn't able to join the Cenere fanclub.
3,766 posts

It is sad to see that Cen is going but we all knew that he couldn't be on AG forever. It seems like a good time as any to leave.

536 posts

Hey, it's a thread over a user! I do believe that this kind of thread is against the rules... Anyways, I guess Cen leaving the mod squad will make the work a bit harder for the rest of the mods...

and admit any secret crushes you had on him.

Um, what? D:
2,074 posts

Isn't this old news? And I'm pretty sure someone snitched on him.

4,104 posts

Isn't this old news?

Not that I know of.

And I'm pretty sure someone snitched on him.

For doing what?
5,952 posts

oh jeez, their goes invalid with the conspiracy theory. zombies? aliens? the men in bowler hats? evil bunnies? birds? cheese burgers....wait what? zombies again? what is happening? blame the communists? drug empire? who said that? what am i doing anymore?

so sad to see cen go.... well i mean he is still here...but still its sad to see him not be a mod... i guess....
good luck with life cen,
90% of the ag community (5% of the remaining where the ones who annoyed you constantly with spam. the other 5%...zombies?)
but in all seriousness, good luck with everything cen, let us know what happens!

3,371 posts

It's a little weird to think cen won't be a mod anymore. But he has done a great job, and I think its great that he's doing the things he wants to do. We're all hoping you don't end up homeless.

13,657 posts

Oh my, for me?
Fine, let's take the happy first, then.
Thanks for the good-lucks and goodbyes and all those. They are appreciated. Nice to see people thinking a bit about mods, even if it takes one to leave before it happens.
As for the fanclub, I have been wondering why no one made a profile based one if they wanted one so badly. Not that they should, it would be incredibly silly, but it could be a possibility.

Yes, Invalid, I have obviously been reported by someone with a valid complaint, and that is why they have instantly demodded me to keep me from abusing the mod-powers further.
This is also why I have had no mod powers for the last month, giving me no time to make up an excuse.

For the non-happy:
It's flattering, but you guys know the rules on threads-about-individual-users.
I was actually trying to avoid just this, which would be why I kept it to my profile. Trying to avoid the "CEN FINALLY GOT CAUGHT DOING THOSE HORRIBLE THINGS HE DO THAT I CAN'T PROVE!!" was why I put it up on my profile in the first place, otherwise I would have slipped away unnoticed, as is fitting for a regular moderator.
Way too much attention on such a small thing.

As for the "harder on other mods", I doubt it. They will do fine, and just because I can't be a magnet of users that like to insult mods over a warning (or keep Invalid's rage on me), it will change nothing. They are used to it by now, and one more insulting user really does nothing for the statistics.
Sadly for those insulting users, few, if any, of the other mods cares to go through several hours of argument. They just ban you if you start that, which I have to say is the most logical approach, instead of trying to explain what is being done wrong, how ad hominem is useless and stupid and why they shouldn't be doing that nor the stuff they got warned for.
But I am sure it is a victory for them. To be banned faster and what not.

Lastly, as I seem to still be a mod even after telling Dan I resign, I have no idea when that goes away. But I am not going to go about playing the mod games after Saturday/Sunday this week for obvious reasons like not wanting to kill through the screen or accidentally banning everyone.
Then again, that would probably get me demodded pretty fast, perhaps it would be worth it...

Anyway, consider this my suddenly very public goodbye, you will all be fine and in a few months, no one is going to remember I was once a mod.
Locking as user-oriented thread, and thanks.

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