ForumsThe TavernStupid requests

10 1997
5,552 posts

What inspired this topic is an event which occurred not twenty minutes ago. It was a "get your own dinner night" except it had been made already, so we could, "eat whenever we wanted." Now, while I was eating, my mom asked me to go get my brother from his friend's house (he can walk home very easily, so I no, I wasn't being asked to drive anywhere to pick him up) so he could eat. I ask, in these exact words, "Why do I need to get him?" to which she responds, "Because I said so." Now, I give a blank look, and then ask, "Why can't he just come home and eat when he gets hungry?" and then she tries to guilt trip me and says, "I'm asking for help. Go get your brother." Again I give that blank look and then say, "Aren't we eating whenever we want?" and she says back, "He needs to eat dinner." This continues for a minute or so, after which she reverts to, "because I told you to do it." I refuse, saying, "He can come home and eat whenever he wants, we aren't eating together tonight so what does it matter if he comes home now or 3 hours from now?" and then she starts yelling at me.

What stupid requests do your parents make of you, and get really mad if you don't promptly do it?

  • 10 Replies
1,370 posts

Thats a parents fail safe if your right and they can't face it they just get angry until you have to back down or get punished for being right it so annoying.

347 posts

Oh, this happens all the time. After school my mom wants me to eat a snack (which is pretty pointless because I'll eat something if I want too). So I walk in and she tells me, but I refuse because I'm never hungry after school. Then she asks and asks, and I say, "Why, if I'm not hungry, why are you forcing me to have a snack?" Then she says, "Oh, I just want you to have something so it'll tie you over until dinner". After a couple minutes she'll still keep telling to eat something and say, "Just eat something." I say "No." Then because I'm a bit small for my age, she makes an excuse for me to eat and says "Oh, your friends are all bigger than you, eat something so you can grow." Then the yelling comes and I'm forced to eat something.

I swear this happens every school day.

138 posts

My parents are always telling me to get the mail which we pass by every day to get to my soccer practice so it's pretty pointless for me to walk or ride my bike half a mile just to get the mail if most of it is junk. also they're always telling me to clean my room and whenever I say it's my room why does it matter they pull the "because I told you so" thing and I have to clean my room. And honestly, it's just gunna get messed up again

9,462 posts

"Because I said so."

That excuse never worked on me.

"because I told you to do it."

I think my reply to that would have been "I thought you were asking?"
As for orders, that was usually a good way to get me to not do something.
5,340 posts

all the time. and i learned to just do it. i wish the "because i told you so" would actually come instead of skipping right away to the yelling.

just like today. my mother had to drive somewhere with my little sister and couldnt take my brother for some reason. so they started a "yes no" fight (honestly i think im a better parent then her).

then she tells me to tell him something (thats the not so secret card she uses all the time) and i was on the com.

you see, since my brain uses logic sometimes i cant just do what she sais quitely so i told her: "why are you fighting with him? just go already and ignore him".

obviously she couldnt make a point since she had no point and then started yelling: "im talking to you not to him" (you search for the logic in here).

so i went to the living room, sat on the couch until she left and got back to the com.

this is just the latest thing that happened to me but my life is filled with things like that.

and since my mother always starts screaming when i make a point and she cant (even if i just ask "why?" and she cant make a logical sentence) i just gave up on asking or talking so i just do whatever she tells me with a blank face.

result? now im too quiet and thats not normal

4,710 posts

@auggy2627liveca you could answer: fine but i decide what i eat or i eat nothing.

And honestly, it's just gunna get messed up again

a normal person sees the chaos. only a genius sees the order in the chaos.

thats the same with my bed. my mom says to me made your bed but it gets messed up the next day after i woke up. i made it just because i love her.

1,936 posts

My parents ask me to never lock doors. I don't know what they suspect me of doing, but apparently it is pretty bad.

And if I've finished my work and go surf the internet or something, they'll promptly find me some other work to do, because evidently the school year is not for &quotlay".

175 posts

My father comes with the brilliant idea that i should study downstairs when he's home and this has caused some retarded situations , first everytime it's the same situation me coming downstairs , spending 15 minutes on cleaning that specific table which i have to work on , because it's allways covered in his stuff , when i finally sit down to work i'm surrounded by a) a dad that asks random and strange questions about what i'm doing but due to his minor knowledge of our subjects i often end up not undersatnding his questions so he forces me to do everything over again , b) a brother that's watching tv or sitting behind the pc whit the volume just too high or c) a mom that's nagging about my bad writing.
And today a d) was added , i had 4 hours of selfstudying today at school , so i did all my homework in advance , i come home and sit whit my brother and study a bit then my dad get's home and goes "I didn't saw you studying so you can start over again"

5,552 posts

My parents ask me to never lock doors. I don't know what they suspect me of doing, but apparently it is pretty bad.

You know, now that you mention it, mine too. I once asked for a lock because my siblings would always go into my room and take things. I got a lock. It was on the outside of the door and a slider. Thanks. I got locked in about 3 times before I just busted the lock off the door.

a normal person sees the chaos. only a genius sees the order in the chaos.

Or it is literally all over the place. One of my friend's room is always extremely dirty. Peanut shells all over, used cups, clothes around, bed sheets near the door, shelves collapsed in the closet, 4 computers worth of parts laying all over the place (not an exaggeration) and dust on everything.
44 posts

My parents would tell me get good grades and do whatever I want. I have to check in for dinner and bedtime. I have to ask permission before I take off and if I go somewhere else I have to call and let them know where I am going.

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