Can these games please just be removed from the site or something? They are an absolute embarassment as far as games go, and their sole purpose is to be a vehicle of advertisement and nothing more. The games are terrible.
Tell them to the people who allowed it on the site, i.e the Admins.
I don't actually see any reason why they should. Not that it even remotely affects you, unless you're telling me you're yet another person so sensitive that you're going to quit AG because AG has ''lost face''.
Not to mention those games are but 3 out of 2300+ games on the site.
Well, I did not come to AG to post, but I came to the boards to see if someone did post something like this, and I have to agree with this thread 100%. The games are just straight suck, and taking up space from three games that are no doubt better. I'm not going to quit AG over this, duh...AG rocks. I just hope consumer whorism doesn't ultimately win out my front page of new games that are interesting to play, and not just games that are pretty much just interactive ads.
And as a footnote... it is so obvious Chevy put the devs on a ticking clock to do it, too. Cause these devs have put out good stuff in the past. Lame.
The games may suck, but they appear to be a source of revenue for Armor. Do you like this site being free? Deal with the games being on the front page then. Either way, this is only 3 games out of well over 2000.
The games may suck, but they appear to be a source of revenue for Armor. Do you like this site being free? Deal with the games being on the front page then. Either way, this is only 3 games out of well over 2000.
The three games suck and they are on the Front Page! Why do they seriously make revenue off of Chevy and not something else. Chevy is ripping off AG!
However, on a positive note, I think it's funny to see such pathetic advertising attempts.
lol.there are place for 12 games at main page and these cover 1/4 of it.Armorgames doesn't needs advertiesments, we have them on the left side of the page already.Lets just hope they don't get to popular games ,thats pretty much all we can do.
I really like how news are spammed with Chevy 'EPIC' contest - Chevy covers NEWS, 1/4 of games and both sides of site. Nice anti-advertisment. I think I'll never buy Chevrolet after this.
chevy is paying AG for having the backwall advertisement and the games, we dont have to play them, AS THE GAMERS WE MAKE THE CHOICES ON WHAT TO PLAY rating it down will not make it go away, its better to just ignore it completly and wait untill a little after superbowl
Except for the winner of the contest, which I will add, is still rated worse than 60% of all other games in its class. How can a contest winner suck worse than every other game released during that time?
In response to why people are making a big deal out of this, as some said before, the new game list is not very big at all, and there isn't any other easy way to go about finding new games without it.
When the three "advertisements" (let's be honest, that's all they are) went up on the page, it pushes off 3 legitimate games that some might never see as a result. It would be fine except for that those three games are seriously just awful. They probably have a couple of days invested into them, and it shows. All to advertise Chevy.
I'm fine if Armorgames needs to make money, but at least advertise in a non invasive way, and don't stick it to the other developers who have spent real time developing games for the purpose of being fun, and not ad revenue.
That's all I was getting at, and I at least appreciate that 2 of the 3 games have been removed from the front page. I just hate to see the front page being used as a platform for the highest bidder to get their product out.