ForumsThe TavernPet Advice

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This thread is technically just me asking a personal question about pets, but it would be cool if others started posting questions or advice.

Anyways, here's my issue:

I currently have 2 middle age cats. In a few months I am going to get a young German Shepherd. I live in a good place to raise one, but I'm worried about what might happen between my cats and my dog. One of my cats will surely be aggressive towards it. My other cat is friendly towards people, but may also be aggressive towards the puppy. Could a cat hurt a puppy? If the puppy fights back, could my cats get hurt? Should I be worried about my dog fighting my cats when it's older? Am I supposed to do anything at all?

  • 4 Replies
132 posts

Could a cat hurt a puppy?

Dude, a cat will tear your puppy to shreds. Your puppy has no idea what the heck that furry feline is. He really wants to know. The cat has seen many dogs in his/her life. Dog sniffs cat, cat does not like, dog ends up with a few nice scratches on his nose.

If the puppy fights back, could my cats get hurt?

Depends on the breed and age of the dog. German Shepard, maybe. How old is he?

Should I be worried about my dog fighting my cats when it's older?

If you raise a dog up around friendly cats, he will get along with most other cats in his life. Raise him around rabid killer cats. He will hate cats his whole life.

Am I supposed to do anything at all?

Here is a solution. See if the cats are agressive to the puppy to begin with. If not, screw everything that I have said so far and have fun with your new puppy. Since this is most likely not the case, I would advise introducing them to each other a few minutes each day. Just so they can get to know each other. After a few weeks the cats should be able to be around the dog with only minor problems here and there. Gradually keep increasing the exposure time until they are buddy-buddy. If this does not work, then you may have to keep them separated, or find a different avenue.

I help foster animals, and have dome so for 4 years. I have 4 dogs, and 3 cats. I have some experience. Hope this helps.
3,523 posts

How old is he?

She'll be pretty young when we get her.

Hope this helps.

It's certainly given me some ideas to think about. Thanks a lot!

My only concern will be how I'll manage to have only little exposure at first, because all 3 pets will be roaming the house on their own. There's always going to be someone in the house though so I don't have to worry about what's going on when I'm gone.
4,104 posts

In order to prevent your two animals from fighting, you need to introduce a third animal, one that both them would rather beat the crap out of. That way, they'll both go for the easier fight and mutilate the third animal. I would suggest an animal with a lot of endurance, that way you won't need to replace it as often.

132 posts

My only concern will be how I'll manage to have only little exposure at first, because all 3 pets will be roaming the house on their own. There's always going to be someone in the house though so I don't have to worry about what's going on when I'm gone.

Keep one party restricted to a particular area of a house that the other party cannot access.

Master, your comment is too funny, I could not come up with a response without laughing, so thus I say: Bravo.
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