Madonna is the beast, she got LMFAO, Niki Manaj, C-Lo Greene, and some other chick to come, and it didn't suck! the best part was that there were no paid dancers or cheerleaders! Discuss.
Are you kidding? She had a whole squad of cheerleaders in the bit after LMFAO and dancers the whole way through. Not to mention that she was brought to the stage by a roman legion!! lol
But aye, it was a good show. The visuals on the pitch were class :-)
I mean how many of the concerts just hire the teams dancers to do the dancing. The people that Madonna and them hired looked like legit dancers and not just some girls who strip for a day job. But real dancers!
Made my eyes vomit to watch that. Obvious lip-syncing, ridiculous dancing and what with that "World Peace" thing at the end? Only a few good commercials this year too.
Who saw M.I.A's middle finger salute???? I didz! Anyway, Madonna is old and should stop trying to be in the limelight, LMFAO were funny as always, Nicki was okay, and Cee Lo looks like he borrowed some of Elton Johns clothes. And the Pats should have won.
Lol. It WAS better than last years but it still annoys the crap outta me that people lip sing. And I agree with Comanderdude. The world peace thing...huh? It made no sense. Madonna may be old but she can still dance....kinda
The only good part was when it looked like the movie 300 at the beginning ( that guy doing flips on that wire thingy. Very cool. But the "talent" sucked. Cee-Lo didn't even sing that much.
The reaction on here is completely the opposite in other forums, I guess it has to do with the fan base being mostly tweens here. Many people agree that LMFAO sucks, just plain awful. I hate their one hit wonder, but honestly, it's cool that they were there, but at least they didn't sing much. I like Madonna, she's been in the business for a long while and I respect her very much, that's mostly because I'm a 90's music person. The first few songs she chose I thought were sketchy, but she closed out the show very well and star-studded. I know many of you may think she is burnt up but I prefer to see her as a veteran of the industry that you want to see more of. She doesn't quite fit into the line of veterans like the Rolling Stones and Bruce Springstien, but she has her own talent.