Woke up this morning and saw that I was rated 1,857 out of 0 users. I checked around on my friend's list and they're out of 0 users as well. Is this a server problem or is it my computer?
this glitch happened quite a lot of times. One time I saw a user with 0 games rated and others are 0 as well, which figured it was a glitch after all..
glitches .there are alot.some funny.some not.just got to love them.anyway i think that was probably just your computer not ablt to recive the data for that for some reason. why only that i don't know just a guess.
Never saw it at all, so I guess I must have missed it! =)
But it definitely sounds like a glitch... probably happened while they were fooling around with the AG user stats back at AG-HQ I bet! It will be reset to 0, oh-NOO!! =P