The government for some odd reason won't make them leave even though everyone knows who they are.
They have the same right to beliefs as anyone else. As long as they don't do illegal/violent stuff, they're fine. If they do something bad, then they'll get taken down.
countrie's tend to forget what other countrie's did for them.
And they rarely forget what other countries did to them. There's people in the Middle East that are still miffed about the crusades.
Unless Chuck Norris beats me to it...maybe he should run for president sometime.
I'd rather see Harrison Ford run for president, although it would strain relations with China, since he's banned from there for supporting the Dali Lama.
I think what would happen is because we are all running on virtual mony at this moment (which really is weird) all the countries will just collapse on themselves and comunism will still be alive because they actualy don't spend as much as the 'free' countries.
It will if we don't stop our national then we can declare national bankruptcy which would deflate the US causing government to fall.
Er would cause an inflation not a deflation.
comunism will still be alive because they actualy don't spend as much as the 'free' countries.
There is no such thing as a Communist country in today's world....don't even bother, attempting to tell me China and Russia are Communist governments. Go read up.
And having looked to the government for bread, on the very first scarcity, they will turn and bite the hand that fed them.
I'm very sure that was Edmund Burke.
But, that's my opinion. A bunch of greedy lil... *refrains from using an explative* ...Will overthrow the government, and stew in their own juice 'til switzerland takes over the world. They haz the world's money.
U.S's government are strong because of 3 Branches check each other. So all of them are good people, U.S Government will never end.
Well, the U.S. Constitution is based off the ideas of a famous philosopher named John Locke during the Enlightenment. John Locke believed if the government went corrupt, the people could overthrow it when they feel and make a new one. If we tried, the U.S. government could fall, but at this rate, it seems like it's going to happen. After this SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA crap, the younger generation is growing more furious and distant from the government. It's the youth that decide where the U.S. is heading in the future. So, at this rate, maybe in the next 100 to 200 years, the government may collapse.
The government also seems to let radical muslim groups like the muslim brotherhood live here in America. The government for some odd reason won't make them leave even though everyone knows who they are
caught wind of this a while back. believe it or not, the brotherhood is actually a rather conservative group, not unlike our own republicans. they are perfectly legal, and we shouldn't be angry with them because of bin laden's craziness that led to 9/11.
the brotherhood is actually a rather conservative group, not unlike our own republicans. they are perfectly legal, and we shouldn't be angry with them because of bin laden's craziness that led to 9/11.
I agree that they are conservative but, however if they are to live here they should have to say live within 20 miles of a military base because they may not pull another 9/11 but its always better to be safe than sorry.
Still not seeing anything wrong with Obama or Communism. If anything, the Republicans are much more likely to be the downfall of America, judging by George Bush's presidency.
If anything, CAPITALISM-or at least its products-will destroy the American government. The rich bankers and hedge fund managers will use Citizens United v. F.E.C. to flood elections with money, and use that money to buy candidates that they want. Soon, I fear that special-interest groups will control America. Congress already declared pizza a vegetable thanks to lobbyists on behalf of the companies which provide frozen pizzas for school, the salt industry, and potato growers (the USAD tried to curtail french fries, sodium, and other unhealthy foods).
If we start placing the profits of business ahead of the health of our own children, our country in in a sad state indeed.