yes, i can see the ads immediately above, below, right, and left of the current game i'm playing. if i wanted to click them i would. my complaint is that they don't have to flash bright colors and make dizzying movements when im trying to concentrate on the current game i'm trying out or playing.
my suggestion is that if an ad has flashing colors or movement, that it CEASE after one go round of the .gif. i find myself mashing f5 several times to find advertisements that dont move so that i can actually try a game out and not be distracted.
like i said before, i see the ads. if i wanted to click on them, i would. they don't need to visually blind me.
Since the admins don't often check the forums you have a few options: 1) Try to get Justin to take those off by emailing him at 2) Install an ad blocker and you won't have to worry about those.