the best character comes from Speed Biological which has shadow blend, withdrawal, and crystallize. In PVP, the important factors for the best character are 1. early turn - yes you need some speedy item, and have to pump speed point. 2. stun skill - so that you can put a powerful opponent out of battle while you and your army take care of the rest of them. 3. high piercing rate - you can pick an opponent teammate off IN ONE SHOT(eg. Electric Psychological)
and... the worst character comes from Biological too. A Toxic Biological or a Poison Biological. this character isn't so fast, doesn't have any stun skill. yes it can achieve amount of poison piercing. but poison piercing is almost useless because the main damage is DOT, not instant damage. so Veradux probably can shield that high piercing damage easily. Toxic Biological is weak against mind freeze and silence skill. it needs many strength. so not very accurate it's not a tanker of course. doesn't have some helping skill or healing skill.
As Level 30
Speed Biological deals over 30k damage with withdrawal Strength Biological deals about 15k through destroy Electric Psychological deals almost 20k instant one shot damage to sidekicks Dark Psychological deals 10k~15k damage in a very simple combo Hot blooded Hydraulic deals 6k~7k damage continuously Cold blooded Hydraulic deals kinda 6k damage without concerning about focus
Yeah I agree ! Your build is not strategical....Krin must have checked all the methods in the game before having released Sonny 2 ! Do you know what I mean ?
LOL no I meant that his terminology class should instead be substituted with build. Because both of his best and worse 'class' come from the same class.
Wrong. Hydraulic class focuses on pure defense or pure attacking prowess, I don't hat you mean by weak skills, but with the Cold Hydro build you only need 2 skills to own pretty much the whole game and the Hot Hydro it's just straightforward damage. Its beauty lies in it's simplicity unlike those messy combos you'll need in other builds.
You forgot the Phsychological Shock Combo. (High Voltage+High Voltage+Shock Coma+Shock Coma+High Voltage+Retrograde. Spending all attributes on speed is and having Overdrive as a passive skill, this will damage a target for 120% of their health.)
yes, in LATER game. It's not gonna get you past the tough enemies in previous zones before it even starts to become powerful. That is if you re-spec afterwards.