I love music, too. There's not a day that goes by that I'm not singing or humming or playing an instrument, etc. It's a lot of fun.
I love music. I remember a time when everybody used to call me gay and music helped me keep my sanity. In short, music saved my life.
I'm glad it helped. People just don't understand. It's stupid. And always remember to keep smiling, because there is always at least one person that smiles when you do.
I enjoy christian music, but not really the same genra as most christian teenagers. Bands like Skillet and Family Force Five really seem to be the top for christian rock, but im more of a softie, i guess. I dont know bands like skillet seem to be too 'headbangy' for me. ( well maybe thats just FF5!) Other than christian rock, i like Adele nad similar artists, i like the Beatles, The Fray..... Am i missing anything?
I love music. All music. Heck I'll listen to Switchfoot one minute then go to Queen the next. Beatles then Rammstein, Fleet Foxes to BoB. The only music I haven't immersed myself in is Classical, and I'm in the process of doing so.