ForumsThe TavernShin Splints!

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So I joined my schools Track & Field team and last Friday at the beginning of my Track practice, I noticed both my shins were hurting a lot. My coach told me to go and see the Athletic Trainer at my school (He's the guy you go to if you have any sports injuries for those of you who don't know), but he was off to see our schools soccer game (This was their state champion match which we won btw). When I got home I did a little research and found out I have shin splints, for you guys that have experienced this, can you tell me how to cure this? I know icing it a lot is a big one on this, but is there anything else I should do? My first meet is coming up soon and I want to rid of this before that time (Next Saturday) because it doesn't seem to be healing fast. I hope it isn't a fracture like what other websites are telling me.

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Treatment of shin splints includes rest, ice, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Rest is the best way to treat shin splints as this gives the shins the full time necessary to heal. This can be a couple of weeks in mild cases up to about three months for severe cases. Acute therapy options for treatment include physical therapy modalities such as ultrasound, whirlpool baths, and electrical stimulation.

From wikipedia, which might not be a perfect source, but I can't say asking someone on a non-medical forum is perfect either.

So, rest, forget about the meet, rest some more, go see a doctor for a proper diagnosis, rest.
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