ForumsThe TavernI Have A Second Life

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14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I don't know,* if it's a phenomenon prevalent in today's world, dominated by social media, but I feel that I'm taking on a second life. FB, Twitter, MSN, AIM, Skype, LJ, I've been there done that. Not to mention MMORPGs and other online personnas. Does anyone here feel the same? Do you think it takes over you as a real person? Or that your ''second life'' is still you, but merely an extension? Thoughts?

*Or rather, I'm too lazy to/ Unwilling to give out answers that others might seize upon and repeat.

  • 30 Replies
4,689 posts

I also have thought of this. I attend several sites pretty regularly and feel they are facets of me as a whole now. Sure I may not be the same from each situation but I feel that the general sense of who I am exists in my internet life, to various real life situations.

143 posts

I feel the same. I act differently on many different sites than I do in "real life" and it's almost like the different usernames are different sides of me. I try to be myself when I'm spending time on internet forums, but it would still be different to interact face to face. I think I'm spending too much time online...

12,319 posts

I would consider real life and online to be the same life, mainly because real life events affect the ability to go online.

Only I say some things I would almost never say in real life, almost like I have more freedom.

I feel the same way, but see below.

But that might be because everyone around me (Seriously, everyone) is a Christian while most of the people on here are not.

Why would being surrounded by Christians prevent you from doing certain things in real life? Also, for the second part of that quote, I think that's because users come from around the world while the people you see in real life are only from a small area.

I also have thought of this. I attend several sites pretty regularly and feel they are facets of me as a whole now. Sure I may not be the same from each situation but I feel that the general sense of who I am exists in my internet life, to various real life situations.

Same here, and it seems like the others also agree with your viewpoint. Also, the Internet and real lives affect each other, so they are connected.
3,337 posts

Do you have an online persona, Fabian?

My facebook life is pretty well connected with the real world as I usually use it to keep up to date with my real life university friends and my friends back at home. I have a second persona, yes, but I wouldn't say it's an online persona. I use the 'character' online but she's predominantly the main character in my writings.

3,766 posts

FB, Twitter, MSN, AIM, Skype, LJ, I've been there done that. Not to mention MMORPGs and other online personnas. Does anyone here feel the same? Do you think it takes over you as a real person? Or that your ''second life'' is still you, but merely an extension? Thoughts?

I think that I am doing pretty well at avoiding all that. I just got a Facebook because I sorta need it for school but I don't plan to use it much. I don't have any other of the things that you said. Pretty much AG is the only account I have that I talk to people I don't know in real life.
1,826 posts

Let me put it simply,I can live without internet.

585 posts

Yes it is sort of like a second life if you use the internet alot from day to day. But always good to take a break from it.

15,595 posts

Or that your ''second life'' is still you, but merely an extension?

I suppose this. I usually act the same wherever I am online as I do in real life, it's just that I have to watch what I say on some sites, like Armor Games. I'm not emotionally attached to anything or anyone online though.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Do you have an online persona, Fabian?

My facebook life is pretty well connected with the real world as I usually use it to keep up to date with my real life university friends and my friends back at home. I have a second persona, yes, but I wouldn't say it's an online persona. I use the 'character' online but she's predominantly the main character in my writings.

No I don't, not when talking with you.

But I do have an online character as you know pretty well. Too well. Maybe it's time to bring him back again...
5,340 posts

this may sound pathetic but my second me on the com is closer to the real me then in real life. im much more open and can talk to people more freely here. im very happy that i have the internet and without it id probably be very sad

13,657 posts

Well, it might not be a second life all together, but scientifically, we do tend to be a different person in real life depending on which arena we are currently interacting in, and I do not believe it is any different when it comes to the internet, besides the part where you can actually model your identity consciously on the internet.
Still, unless you make an effort to do so, it would be extremely hard to be a "different" person all together when it comes to the internet, even if you do show different aspects of yourself here than you might to your family or your friends.
It is a simple aspect of living, as you will always act differently around different people. You don't act around your friends as you do around your close family, and often, if you do end up having to interact with both groups at the same time, it might actually put a strain on you, due to the energy you put into trying to keep the two worlds apart while also trying to merge them to better deal with the pressure.

Something, something.
Either way, no, Iwould not consider myself a different person here than I am out - in the open. I act a bit differently, but that is to be expected. The internet is currently an extension towatds your mentality and identity to many people, especially due tot he fact that the internet is such a big part of everyone's life.

3,337 posts

No I don't, not when talking with you.

But I do have an online character as you know pretty well. Too well. Maybe it's time to bring him back again...

It's funny because your persona is in my stories too :3

I think I am one of the few people who act the same online and in real life. By that I mean I'd say the same things as I do online to people's faces, and all my own views and opinions are the same. I don't lie about what I do or how I feel to alter my image online.

I'm not saying all of you lie, but a lot of you find it easier on yourselves to slip into a different act. For example, some people become more talkative online and find it easier to get on with people they don't actually physically see or hear. I see a lot of people flaming or being ****y online, when in real life they're most likely meek (and spineless). That's a sort of lying, isn't it? It's like acting a version of yourself.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

who act the same online and in real life.

Can I be a pain in the neck and mention that ''act'' already hints at falsehood and artificiality? Just kidding haha.

Hmmm, you're not alone. All my views/opinions are the same. Though I have to cuss a lot less on AG, for obvious reasons. Then again, online allows me more space to soften up instead of being described as unsmiling and cold in real life outside my circle of friends.

So I guess you're not alone, partially?

It's funny because your persona is in my stories too :3

Bring him back, please? :3
8,253 posts

I'd say it's impossible to be the same person online than irl. You'll be almost the same, but the whole situation is different, there are completely different inputs and so on. So, yes, I do have a sort of seocnd life.. but I don't consider it bad at this point, since I sometimes profit from it, and it's more of a time-killer (or hobby if you like). I would definitely consider it bad if I'd be spending the whole day on mmorpgs and doing the same over and over.

3,337 posts

Can I be a pain in the neck and mention that ''act'' already hints at falsehood and artificiality? Just kidding haha.

I didn't realise! Oops.. Okay, who have the same nature both online and in real life? I can't think of a way to put it without using 'act'!

I'd say it's impossible to be the same person online than irl. You'll be almost the same, but the whole situation is different, there are completely different inputs and so on.

I suppose so, but the only real difference in the situation is the friends you talk to.
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