This thread is for the continuation of this game due to the original spanning over 4600 pages. Our rules have changed a bit since the thread first started, but its first post shall be sufficient for those purposes. We are currently level 12 and are a Good party. The Alignment is not subject to question. If you are a new player interested in joining, the GM at this point in time is DBLACKSTAR (Dibs).
Name:Balthazar Kindheart Player:Loco 5 Age: Gender:M Description:5'10, Medium Platinum hair, a gruff face yet kind eyes, most of the fingers on his right hand are slightly stunted Race:Lesser Aasimar Base Land Speed: Class:Cleric Level:1 Level Equivalency:1 Alignment:Chatoic Neutral (leaning good) Deity:simo, The White Death Languages:Common, Elven, Undercommon ------Attributes---------- Str:10 (-2) Dex:13 Con:15 Int:14 Wis:16 (+2) Cha:18 (+2) Fort Save: 4 Ref Save: 1 Will Save: 5 Hit Points: Attack Bonus: Damage Bonus: Base Attack Bonus: AC: ------------------Equipment------------------------------- Armor: Clothing: Off Hand: Primary Hand: Miscellaneous: GP: -------Feats/Spells/Abilities/Etc.------------ Feats: Flaws: Class Feats: Racial Feats: Skills: Spells:
Alright after a long day, I am here cannot sleep and need a distraction. Wujen is my recommendation since it is like Japanese Druid. Loco your saves are also affected by your class, and your starting gold is based on your class.
Alright, but I swear if you stab anybody, eat anybody's hands or turn into a God ****ed llama, I will ****ing kill your ***... Elves are my Favored Enemy, you know.....
I was just checking something and... well, I might be wrong (I'm quite a bit rusty, yet the effects of oxidation are gradually being reversed), but I think I've found something extremely off. According to page 23, Lazurial's (that's just such a nice name for me to cut down to "Laz" finalized sheet looks like this;
Name: Korticke Shadowstep Player: Lazurial Age:21 Gender:M Description:5'11, Lithe, short-cut black hair Race:Human Base Land Speed:30ft Class:Rogue Level:1 Level Equivalency:1 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Deity: Tempus Languages:Common ------Attributes---------- Str:16 (+3) Dex:18 (+4) Con:12 (+1) Int:13 (+2) Wis:8 (-1) Cha:10 (+0) Fort Save: +1 Ref Save: +4 Will Save: -1 Hit Points:6+1=7 Attack Bonus: d6+3 and d6+4 Damage Bonus: +3 Base Attack Bonus: +0