ForumsThe TavernYour blood or your money?

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1,416 posts

Which would you rather donate? I thought about this as I passed a blood donation drive, and saw quite a few people lined up. You never really see people lined up to donate money, do you? There are two likely reasons for this:

1) It takes more time to donate blood, and there are less places to do it. Hence, lines.

2) You don't have to spend as much conscious effort replenishing your lost blood compared to your lost money.

But, I still feel like people are much more okay with donating blood. Which is kind of weird, if you think about it. I mean, you literally need blood to live. Your life will be much more difficult without money, but losing money is much less lethal than blood loss. You are giving part of what enables you to live to some random stranger, and people (at least where I live) do this seemingly on the spur of the moment.

Furthermore, it can be quite uncomfortable and time consuming (depending on methods used). You can't start a conversation about blood donation without someone bringing up a story about how it took the technician 500 tries to find a vein. The blood loss also leaves you noticeably weaker. Some of my thinner friends can't engage in physical activities for quite a while after donating blood.

AND, while you are constantly replenishing your blood, you only have so much of it at any single moment. Its not like money, where there is no upper limit to how much you can possess. Sure, bigger people have more blood, but it isn't like people can be comfortably blood filled to the point where donating a gallon or so is no big deal. There are no super bloody people the way there are super rich people.
With blood, its like pretty much every healthy person is lower middle class. We can give up a little without dying, but there will be consequences.

It takes at least 4 weeks to replenish the blood cells lost during donation. Working for four weeks full time at a pretty low wage job, you can make about 1000 dollars. But, somehow, donating blood seems like it is a lot easier than donating 1000 dollars. Granted, you don't have to actively "work" for your blood, but you are still giving up something crucial that takes a similar amount of time to replenish.

So, which do you value more? Your blood, or your money?

  • 53 Replies
11 posts

I'd donate blood because if you run out of blood your dead and I'd rather be poor than dead. But sometimes more people need money rather than blood to stick in their bodies so your answer depends on your opinion in valuing which is improtant or which you need more in life to succeed.

1,094 posts

I'd donate blood because if you run out of blood your dead

They don't take lethal amounts of blood from your system, they take a pint out of 11 or 12 in your body.

If your blood is so precious, would you accept someone else's blood into your body, knowing it might save your life?

Now that question changes the whole statement.
1,416 posts

Now that question changes the whole statement.

How so?

I'd donate my blood post-mortem. I wouldn't have use of it then, even if anyone else wouldn't either.... Oh well. At least post-blood-take i would be (This) much closer to becoming Skulduggery Pleasant. =D

Do you have a use for anything post mortem? Why just your blood, why not your other tissues/organs as well? Or, for that matter, your money?
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Or, for that matter, your money?

Descendants would need them. Be fun to see them tussle over the will, if they can find it, from wherever you end up after death.
561 posts

I've always wanted to give blood but i'm still to young, but if i ever won any money i'd probably give it to animal charity or something.

1,824 posts

Do you have a use for anything post mortem? Why just your blood, why not your other tissues/organs as well? Or, for that matter, your money?

No! My money! But take all but the bones, then throw me in a sack down a river, and make sure there's a beach along the side!
161 posts

I'm actually blood type O, so when I'm old enough I will donate blood, because anyone can accept blood type O. As for money, I'm 15 and don't have a job yet, so I'll keep what little money I have.

407 posts

Blood because that is something you get back in a few hours. Though money when it is used it won't come back to you. I laughed at my own comment. :/

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