ForumsThe TavernDCK people

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If you have talked to me at one point or another you know two things about me:

1. i go to a lot of concerts

2. im from colorado.

Some of you may also that i am really into the Metalcore scene. bands like emmure, sleeping with sirens, attila, the word alive, attack attack, and other bands as such. People in colorado just refer to this as hardcore music.

Well since i go to these concerts a lot, i have experienced many many strange things...

This thread is mainly about a group of people known as DCK, or as we call them, the denver hardcore kid gang (we dont know what the acronym stands for).

These people are the bassically the biggest ******** on the face of the earth. they are kids that go to hardcore concerts, have the 2 inch gauges, snake bites, and really long hair and tattoos out the butt.

What they do is, is they go to these shows, and if anyone so much as pulls out a blunt, a cigarette, or anything of the sort, they beat the living hell out of them. crazy right? these kids bring new meaning to the term "straight edge". they are so straight edge that they BEAT THE **** (and i mean, they will gang up one person, put them on the ground, and start curb stomping) people.

that isnt the only reason why they jump people. these guys will stand in the MIDDLE of the mosh pit and if anyone so much as NUDGES these guys, they will start jumping the person who nudged them. they are straight up brutal.

I want to hear everyones thoughts on this. are there any other places out there that have similar gangs to the one hear in colorado? do they do the same stuff, are they as brutal? what are they called?

  • 6 Replies
3,675 posts

From where I come from, we call though people "dead fools walking."

181 posts

I agree with Devoidless, where i come from we call those people ******* and stay away from them.


3,337 posts

In my little town we have one really rough housing estate on the very edge of town called the Clements. The kids who live there carry knives and call themselves the Clem-rats and think they own the whole bloody town, when all they really do is terrorize old ladies, little kids and people who look like easy targets. The kids are scumbags and the rest of us just try and avoid them.

6,672 posts

thats the problem with these guys, is that its hard to avoid them. you never know when youll see a DCK kid because everyone at hardcore shows is dressed like that.

531 posts

I'm not trying to act tough here or anything, and there's nobody like that here, but if there were and they went near anyone, well most people would just go home, get a few friends or family, go back and simply smash their heads in.

or shoot them, seems to be a frequent thing here now :/ it's shocking.

6,672 posts

I'm not trying to act tough here or anything, and there's nobody like that here, but if there were and they went near anyone, well most people would just go home, get a few friends or family, go back and simply smash their heads in.

or shoot them, seems to be a frequent thing here now :/ it's shocking.

please, is it really worth at that point to risk getting your loved ones hurt too?
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