ForumsGame WalkthroughsGemcraft Labyrinth lvl.100 questions

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9 posts

Hey everyone, I was lvl 40 last week, and im lvl 100 now, im here to ask what the best combinations and/or stratagies are.

I currently Just unlock bloodbound and amplimfy it the best I can (always one gem) Ive been having no problems ever since lvl 40. Anything that works better than that? If there is please let me know.

My skills are: Every non-premium skill that has a limit is maxed.

Focus: 41
Replenish: 45
Resonance: 27
Bloodbound maxed and No other gem has skill points.

Please give me new points on whats best, and what I should do If i get premuim.

Thanks. -Brandox

  • 7 Replies
149 posts

Run dual red-lime for non-premium. Make one tower and amplify it as much as you can with other red-limes. This is enough to get you through most of the game at max non-premium settings.

For premium, you'll again want one tower, but you want it to be a triple red-lime-yellow gem. When you play endurance, you'll also need a trap somewhere with dual orange-lime and amped.

For skill points, max Wild Gem and break it at the start of every map for a huge pile of mana (you may need to pool once or twice to hold all the mana). Also max bloodbound, lime, and the two skills on the far right of the rows (I think those are tower range and something else).

If you get premium, finishing one endurance round all the way through to the end is going to get you enough points to max everything besides the infinite skills, so if you want to take that route then it'll definitely make deciding where to put your skill points a lot easier :P

518 posts

Completely skip Red.
It become useless at 8+ grade, and wild gem already gives G7.

Yellow (yellow/lime) is way to go.
With 100% resonance
Yellow get x2 resonance x2(min) crit. = x4
Reg get x2 resonance

With 200% resonance
Yellow get x3 resonance x2(min) crit. = x6
Reg get x3 resonance

Having red color decrease amount of yellow in gem, thus decreasing your damage. I.e. when you could have x10 crit from yellow, you get only x5 crit for red-yellow dual. And it is simple impossible to make enough kills for making loose of crit viable.

You can
1. Get max non-premium exp on pylons (very easy) - check links in my profile
2. Complete all challenges, exclude premium-only 100-wave.
3. Then buy premium and play hardest settings endurances.

9 posts

Thank you, I got 190exp on the first 2 Pylons. How do you get 700k like the video?

And also with red, doesnt the damage increase with every kill. so lets say I have a lvl 6 gem with 8 level 4 amps armound it. Thats 100%. Over a longer period of time wouldnt red be better?



518 posts

Pylons: If you want to have max exp - get all amulets, get (killed - summoned)=1, charge pylon.
pure red average damage:1270
pure yellow average damage:3785
red-yellow dual:3071

RLY gem needs 11,555,292 kills to catch up to the minimum damage of the YLO gem. This is at wave 200 or so⦠so I would need to have killed more than 57k monsters per wave at this point in order for the red gem to MATCH the minimum damage of the yellow gem.
If you want same damage, red must do 88419751410207300 kills.
Left â" final gem, which i will use to finish hardest settings endurance.
Right â" gem for comparison.
Having red component in gem lower crit multiplication by 600!
If you want from red negligible that difference â" you need ~3000000 kills. Just no.
L/Y Gem: Damage 1112-5787
L/R Gem: Damage 782-2508
At this grade, the L/R gem (which already has 280 kills) needs another 8640 kills for its maximum damage to catch up to that of the L/Y.
9 posts

Oh, I see now. thanks alot. Stratagy has been changed.

2 posts

For the Pylon Crafting levels, after getting all the Battle Amulet, summon exactly 1 less than the number killed will max out your Endurance multiplier (x50.00) at the end of the battle. You can easily get around 1 million exp for each of those battle. I'll try to post a picture of my end result for you in the next couple of days.

Also, I like Y/O dual gems. There is a strategy in creating dual gems.
1. Grade1 lime + Grade1 yellow -> Grade2 dual (x2)
2. Grade2 dual + Grade2 yellow -> Grade3 dual/Y
3. Grade2 dual + Grade2 lime -> Grade3 dual/L
4. Grade3 dual/Y + Grade3 dual/L -> Grade4 dual (x2)
5. Grade4 dual + Grade4 yellow -> Grade5 dual/Y
6. Grade4 dual + Grade4 lime -> Grade5 dual/L
7. Grade5 dual/Y + Grade5 dual/L -> Grade6 dual (x2)
Continue this process, you'll get stronger dual gem in terms of specials.

9 posts

That would be rad. Thanks man. I was always just a few off!

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