ForumsWEPRTensions in Afghanistan

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Recently, Qurans were burned by NATO forces, leading to uprisings and protests. More recently a soldier was detained for killing 16 civilians, 9 of them children, which created more hostility. Will violence worsen into total war, or will negotiations settle everything peacefully?

  • 30 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

also if china has to show to the world that it is REALLY a world power that it claims to be, it should step in and help the situation. their economy is very strong and they are known for their quick and reliable construction projects. so they can help a lot in rebuilding country.

They don't. Why does being a world power entail a finger in every pie? The Americans might act that way, but it's in no way a role model for the other aspiring superpowers-to-be to follow. In any case, China has it's own political transition to handle; apart from such a tricky and sticky time, China already gives plenty of aid to the African nations and Pakistan.
1,826 posts

IN pakistan, with government finally emerging out to be stronger than army, similiar action is expected.

Says who?
Army is still the major player in Pakistan and it keeps government in check.
Yes, the now work backstage, but still Government can't go against their will.
Because government knows that one wrong move and they are royally screwed.
There is no way in hell Army is gonna agree to help some US puppet government.
37 posts

I personally think we should just punish the soilders that turned on allies and the citizens that killed the americans and forget about it

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

check here

So they have said for the past 60 years of Pakistani history. The fact is, the army is so far the only solidly grounded institution in Pakistan, and if it wants to act, it still has the power to do so, as has been the case with the numerous coups dotting its history.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Also, would like to point out that contrary to the popular notion, the Taliban are not just the sole terrorist group on the ground, nor one of the most vicious. Many fundamentalist groups have always been on the ground, such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM), and the Harakat ul-Mujahadeen (HuM).

1,826 posts

When ever Kiyani says
"Its not our job to run the country"
Zardari interpretes it as "Its not our job to run the country but if we have to, we will".

Many fundamentalist groups have always been on the ground, such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM), and the Harakat ul-Mujahadeen (HuM).

Lashkar-e-Taiba is the Pakistani version of Hamas.
JeM are just sectarian Terrorists.
Harakat ul-Mujahadeen Are also like Hamas.
They are fighting against unjust rule of India
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

most of them concentrate their attacks on india, they have no real presence in afghanistan.
we are concentrating on aghanistan at moment. taliban is biggest culprit out there. but thing is, for every taliban terrorist killed, a lot of afghans die, so afghans really hate U.S. this is a problem to be addressed too.

Of course, of course, but it's a little too overlapping to cover them all under a single term. Anyway, it's also generalizing to assume that the Afghans are angry for each Taliban soldier being killed, in fact, it's almost always false. Most Afghans hated the group for its puritanical ways even before 9/11, and because of tribal rivalry. The Taliban are overwhelmingly Pasthun, which is a minority in Afghanistan. Most Afghans dislike the occupation because of the decade long occupation, the thought of being held under the fist of a foreign power and the hatred and fear because of accidental killings of innocents.
5,129 posts

Most Afghans dislike the occupation because of the thought of being held under the fist of a foreign power

and you can't realy blame them after 2 or 3 country's have done so in the last 100 year..
8,257 posts

It is not related to the U.S. Army, but I thought it would be good to put it in there instead of opening a new thread, after all the title is stil matching..

I just saw in the news that in Afghanistan, the Ulema council, backed up by president Karzai, wants to enforce strict guidelines that, although not legally binding, may well be religiously binding for most muslims, and basically represent a huge step backwards for womens right in Afghanistan; for example it gives men (even) more legitimity to hit their wives, it says women should not travel publicly without being accompanied by a male relative, and it wants strict gender separation in many buildings; all this pretty much making a professional life for women hard if not impossible. And all that for what? Probably for peace with the Taliban, to make them the deal look better for them.

Peace at the sacrifice of rights? It doesn't sound right..
-older article related to the news

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Will all that be strictly enforced? Because the article mentions that ''The ''code of conduct'' issued Friday by the Ulema Council as part of a longer statement on national political issues is cast as a set of guidelines that religious women should obey voluntarily, ''.

8,257 posts

That code of conduct, as is also mentioned in the article (or maybe it was in the German one I had read) is theoretically not binding legally; they are not laws, just guidelines. But they are apparently based on the Sharia somehow, and they will be enforced by the man and by all religious fundamentalists; I doubt women will really have a choice, legal or not.

Western governments haven't dared to say anything yet, I do not expect them to send troops to enforce women rights but they should at least denounce such 'guidelines'.

1,773 posts

If ind it quite funny how some peoples here defend with everything they got about a soliders who traveled from house to house, killed 16 civilians in ther bads, burned them and get back to his base, when in the Israel tread tehy are getting mad on ISrael for killing 2 peoples when destroiend a rocket launching base. hypocrisy level- its over 9k!
oh and by the way, the nazies tried to completly destroy the partizans in Russia, so they killed entire villages just because they suspacet that they saw some partizans. is this what you aim for?

17 posts

The majority of people do not want to talk about the crux of the problem but the crux of the problem is the Koran (Quran).
If a person wishes to read the Koran & take it literally & believe in Allah then there is no confusion. Killing non muslims (moslems), is completely justified.

I personally take pride in always reading all sides of the debate, left, right, centre left, centre right & dead centre (center in American).

To get to the facts, one needs to get to the source. In this case it's the Koran & Hadith.

The Koran is basically a two philosophy book.

1; Peace & tolerance ((when Mohammed was weak without the power to overwhelm)early years).

2; Intimidation & violence (when Mohhamed & his followers had superior military might).

That's the facts, that unfold every day in the newspapers, television, ect, ect.

They chant "Death to America" when they are the vast majority, and talk about peace when in the minority.

The Koran is nothing like the bible (i have read both), Mohammed is NOTHING like Jesus.

I am an freethinking Atheist, I base my views on science, logic & reason.

Mohammadanism(Islamism), will not go away by appeasement.

My European ancestors have spent many 100's of years (since the fall of Constantinople) fighting against Muslim aggressors from the east.

1,826 posts

The majority of people do not want to talk about the crux of the problem but the crux of the problem is the Koran (Quran).
If a person wishes to read the Koran & take it literally & believe in Allah then there is no confusion. Killing non muslims (moslems), is completely justified.

I personally take pride in always reading all sides of the debate, left, right, centre left, centre right & dead centre (center in American).

To get to the facts, one needs to get to the source. In this case it's the Koran & Hadith.

The Koran is basically a two philosophy book.

1; Peace & tolerance ((when Mohammed was weak without the power to overwhelm)early years).

2; Intimidation & violence (when Mohhamed & his followers had superior military might).

That's the facts, that unfold every day in the newspapers, television, ect, ect.

They chant "Death to America" when they are the vast majority, and talk about peace when in the minority.

The Koran is nothing like the bible (i have read both), Mohammed is NOTHING like Jesus.

I am an freethinking Atheist, I base my views on science, logic & reason.

Mohammadanism(Islamism), will not go away by appeasement.

My European ancestors have spent many 100's of years (since the fall of Constantinople) fighting against Muslim aggressors from the east.

Have any sources?
(From Quran and hadith.)
1,773 posts

Just want to remind you - the muslims belive in jesus, they beliv that in the end of the world, jesus will come and do is hocus-pocus. "halla" jsut mean god in arabic. and the koran is not a "book of evil" like some racist groups want to think.

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