ForumsWEPRGay Marrige??

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129 posts

I think that gay marrige should be approved in every state in the U.S. I know it has been approved in California and just recently in Pennsylvania, but should it realy be allowed? I think it should be, I mean just because your gay doesn't mean you shoud have less rights then straight people. Gays should have the equal rights to get married just the way I do. Shouldn't they?? Tell me what you think.

  • 203 Replies
679 posts

the effects of gays is making the U.S. a joke that is a problem and would you like to see two men kiss in front of you???????????????
no way that is gross

1,416 posts


Gays are bad... why? Because your religion says so? That is not enough of a reason. Also, just because you find something gross doesn't mean it should be banned. That is extremely intolerant.

1,226 posts

Ricky bobby, a stupid car movie that i didnt see because all my friends said that there was this gay french dude and at the end they made out, GAYGAYGAY

I hate gay everything, and Lesbo everything, if a person doesnt have an opposite sex like him means its ok to be gay? NO just move away to another town when your old enough and find one, not turn around to your best friend and ask him to go out with you.

242 posts

@purpledinosaur: If you fell in love, would you want to be able to marry the person you love and kiss them in public? What if someone's religion was against you loving that person? Do you see how we should allow people to love who they want, because they sure aren't trying to force you not to love people.

@DivineDarkness: You seem to have this idea that people become gay because they can't find a person of the opposite sex. This is false. You can't 'become' gay. You're born that way.

1,416 posts


People aren't gay because they can't find someone of the opposite sex. And what you said is completely insensitive.

1,226 posts

Well im an insensitive person then huh?

@kanethebrain: It happend to some kid on my old bus, girl friend dumped him, everybody made fun of him called him gay. So he eventually became gay because tahts what everybody called him.

1,226 posts

Oh and, how are people born gay? that makes no sense.

242 posts

@DivineDarkness: How do you know the person isn't Bi? How do you know he wasn't gay and hiding it with the girlfriend? Your suggestion is like saying that someone called you Black, and eventually you turned Black (I am assuming you are non Black, if otherwise, change the race). You can't change your orientation anymore than you can change your race.

And people are born into their orientation, whether gay, straight, or otherwise. It's documented in just about every scientific study performed in the last decade on the subject. Do some research.

1,226 posts

Oh, so now people are born gay? or lesbo or staight? or bi? i think where you did your research is where retards like to hang out.

The person is actually bi because he asked his girlfriend back out before asking somebody else on my old bus.

660 posts

seriously divinedarkness don't talk untill you have proof to back it up

1,226 posts

It has proven that people are born with chemical imbalances, but that doesn't MAKE them gay. So you guys should do your research and not make assumptions. The ultimate choice of whether or not someone is gay/bi/straight is the person's choice. Sure it is HARDER for some people, but still they are NOT BORN GAY.

So @ BASHA before you hop on the bandwagon and type something like

"seriously divinedarkness don't talk untill you have proof to back it up"
I suggest you take your own advice and do your own research.

And to kanethebrain, don't make assumptions... yes it is HARDER for some people but the facts are, you make your own decisions, you decided to type on the computer, no one made you do it. The same thing applies, chemical imbalances and such doesn't automatically make you gay/straight. People who are gay/bi say "they are born this way" but that is just a pathetic way of saying "I don't have the will to be straight" So to all who say science has proven that people are born gay/bi, you are full of it. Science has proven that people have chemical imbalances, IT IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT THAN BEING GAY/BI So in the words of BASHA, don't talk until you have proof to back it up.
660 posts

oh my god shut up, why would people choose to be gay and be discriminated against all there life not very smart is it but it's not a choice go show a gay guy a naked pic of a girl and they will show no reaction maybe a negetive one but they won't get turned on by it. infact go ask Asherlee why she "chose"to be gay I would love to see the responce she gives,or I'll have one of my gay friend's make a profile on here and you can ask one of them bottom line it's not a choice you close minded retard.

1,226 posts

Like I said, you will have your gay friends come on here and say it's not a choice. Just an excuse because they don't have the will-power, and they will be offended because of the truthfulness of it and get all pissed too. And now you're not even using facts, you are just getting pissed and being illogical and trying to back up your friends on here, where no one cares who you or your friends are. The thing is, not many people discriminate against gays anymore because it is becoming more and more common, because more and more people who have those chemical imbalances hear these scientists say &quoteople are born gay" so they lose hope in the struggle with will-power and become gay. So sure have your friend make a profile and come get all pissed, but the facts are, science can NEVER prove that people are BORN GAY. The ONLY thing they can prove is chemical imbalances which only makes it HARDER, but it in no way forces it upon people. So before you get all pissed again, and make a total fool of yourself, again, think about what science has proven, and realize that it does not make the person gay.

10,816 posts

DivineDarkness, while technically correct, you're still weaseling.

Once again, the ambiguities in the terms 'gay' and 'bi', their scope and their definitions allow for significant wiggle-room for exploitation to various agendas.

So let's return to a state of impartiality, and define exactly where arguments of 'choice' versus 'no choice' are appropriate:

The ONLY thing they can prove is chemical imbalances which only makes it HARDER...

Taken literally, this is correct.

...but it in no way forces it upon people

This is not. In fact, it is an unfalsifiable/unverifiable statement and is therefore useless. This is what I meant by 'weaseling'- you appear to be making an extension of a claim but it is actually an unsubstantiated bridge to your premises. You would do well not to insult the rigor of science in this manner.


I'll give everybody a minute to think about that.


Meanwhile, the battle between deciding just how much 'free will' we have and how much of our behavior is predetermined rages on. In general, we should not use the nebulous nature of this argument and its lack of standardisation to our own ends- after all, just to demonstrate, I could pose an extreme example such as being born to a fundamentalist religious community, be it the FLDS or an Islamic Sharia law state. You have 'free will' to exercise certain things but if you should happen to do something illegal, you will be stoned to death/have limbs amputated/tortured etc. So I'd say that's a pretty strong incentive not to exercise said 'free will'!

What we should be observing is the effects of our behaviors as a whole. To this end, to deny something in face of evidence, and also to deny something because your beliefs state that you must, is folly and subjects you to additional stress respectively. Some people will say that their sexual orientation, regardless of what it happens to be, is 'not a choice' because this is simply how they feel. I do not believe it is appropriate or anybody's right to tell them that they are not entitled to feel this way, for a start. Having considered the various criteria based on risks, health and social implications, I also do not believe it is appropriate or anybody's right to tell them that they are not entitled to most practices based on the way they feel, either.

Other people have a much more nebulous sexual orientation, and can go one way or the other. Many more still don't like to use the terms we currently use as they appear inadequate. Given we defined these terms ourselves, that in itself lends strength to the suggestion that they actually are. And that just happens to be a reminder that the platform of rejecting specific 'sexual orientations' on the grounds of religious/conservative sentiments is a very narrow one. In short, the relevance of your claims to humankind is limited.

Bottom line- it varies. If you think this is insufficient I will come back with some background reading for you. And you would do well to read all of it before you reply again.
1,416 posts


New studies have watched brain waves and patterns while people were aroused. Interestingly, gay men and straight women had the same patterns and waves when aroused. Straight men and gay women had the same brain activity when aroused as well, but completely different from the first group. Being gay is a neurological/biological issue. It is not a choice. No one can choose how their brain operates.

I am bisexual. If I had a choice, I would not want the attraction to men. I see how people treat the gay and bi community. If my parents ever found out, they would disown me. If my friends found out, I would face constant ridicule. Now, I am in a relationship with a female right now. But I was close to dating a male, but the immense fear of ridicule and torture caused me to back out. Don't get me wrong, I am glad I found the girl I'm with. But imagine someone who is gay. They have such a fear to date someone they are compatible with because of people like you. They have to hide their real feelings because intolerant people will rip them to shreds. In fact, I know a gay guy who dated several women first because he was so afraid of his parents from finding out he was gay. And once he came out, they cut off all contact with him. It is because of intolerant and ignorant people like you that the gay and bi communities suffer.

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