On the surface, it's basically Necronator 2 but with Nazis and without all the problems Necronator 2 had at launch (thank God). However, there appears to be some intricate combat pentagram going on that I haven't quite figured out yet, so I'll get back to you guys on that.
So far I have everything from Germany and all but one medal in France. A few notes:
-The starting troops are so far the best solely because they have such a huge firing range and do pretty decent damage. Stacking them means pretty much instant death to any individual squad. -Flamethrower guys are really weak... -Sturm troopers are pretty fun; they have grenades and machine guns and do a lot of damage with both of them. -My personal favorite so far is probably the giant fighting robots. Haven't really run into much of anything that can efficiently kill them besides a stack of the generic soldiers.
How are you guys building your armies? I'm doing basically the same thing I did with Necronator 2: Pump economy and troop stats while using the free guys to lay waste to everything, and by the time I need better soldiers I'll have the medals to unlock them.
One last thing, Hitler needs to be playable at some point.
@trying: Great, now I gotta go try to find them all >_<
@Alderon: Thing is, Necronator was a good game (once they fixed all the bugs), so I have no problem with them tweaking the formula a little and releasing it as something else. As far as Nazis go, I can't recall one moment in the game where they were referred to as the "good guys." Toge's games have pretty much always been about playing the bad guy and going for total world destruction, so the way I see it, this is just another one of those kinds of games, albeit one that people can and do see in a negative light thanks to actually drawing a little from history instead of making it pure fantasy.
They're also going to let you play as the Allies in the future, so don't go saying the Nazis are the heroes just yet. For all those of us who beat the last level know, the Nazis could wind up fighting alongside the Allies against THAT GUY.
tryed those 5 robots in last map, but they die before i stack them. somehow they dont obbey me when i tell them to stop or go. the snipers tend to te in front of the robots...
yes its almost a copy of necronator 2, but only the engine. still i think this one was way weaker.
and shut up, nazis had famelies, land, lives too. your the kind of guy that cant play as alien in an alien vs humans game.
Comparing the nazis to the 'horde in WoW' is beyond thick. One is a fictional group of mythical races in a computer game, the other was a political group of mass murdering psycopaths who engaged in torture, human testing, **** and other horrific war crimes. They are responsible for the death of millions and we should as a god**** race of human beings, always... and I mean ALWAYS be there to say a big F you to them. And saying they had families and lives, what on Earth are you on about? Being a nazi was a choice. Most Germans during that time weren't nazis, those that chose to be threw away all right to fair opinion by engaging in acts that any monkey could identify as WRONG.
I don't mind in computer games where the nazis are the bad guys, but never, ever let the player control them, it's like a game where you play a rapist, murderering psycopath all in one. Imagine you were alive 80 years ago and they burst into your home, arrested your entire family, including yourself for no reason at all. Then took you to a dirty, cold outdoors prison camp surrounded by barbed wire... your sister is *****, your father is shot in the head in front of you and they take your mother away for 'testing.'
Maybe then you wouldn't want to defend them so much.
@gorebello: Gratz. Yeah, I ran into a couple of issues where units ignored my orders at times, but for the most part I didn't have any problems. That's just a result of Toge basically reusing Necronator 2's engine, which definitely had its fair share of problems.
@Alderon: Clearly you have some personal issue with the Nazis, otherwise you wouldn't be responding like you are, so I'm just going to say that you're entitled to your own view of this game and I'm going to respect that. Don't get me wrong, I don't support the Nazis in any way, I just don't think it's necessary to get so up in arms over a video game, especially one from a company known for having the player be the bad guy in the first place. Do I enjoy the game? Yes. Is it a guilty pleasure? Of course. But do I think it should be taken down? The ad on the front page of AG might be crossing the line, but the game itself says NOTHING along the lines of "Nazis are good and you should do what they did."
@trying: Because that's not politically correct. In this day and age, zombies are for destroying in a gory manner and Nazis are for target practice.
My personal issue is that I am a decent English guy who's ancestors fought and died against the wave of nazi oppression, when most of the rest of Europe simply laid down and accepted it. We fought back, alone for most of the war.
Everyone alive today in the civilised world needs to agree that what happened back then was a lesson that we all need to pay attention to and learn from.
Making video games glorifying nazis is just wrong.
1. Toge changed took the swastika out and replaced it with a tristar, because most people would flip a tit just over the swastika. 2. Like everyone else has said, Toge is known for games with the "bad guy" as the protagonist. 3. The Nazis may have been a-holes, but the German army was arguably the strongest one in WWII. Some believe that if the US hadn't gotten involved and Hitler wouldn't have ordered that cockamamie march into the Soviet Union, Germany may have ended the war better than they did. 4. Signing up for the army was only voluntary until 1942, at which time it became mandatory. After that, you only volunteered if you wanted to be in the SS. The SS were the true mofos of the German army. 5. Just realized that you play as the SS in Reich of Darkness. Scheisse. Yeah, bad move on Toge's part.
Alderonarmor, in infectionator world domination you play as the zombie overlord, and extinct the human race. Did you say anything then? No? What you support genocide then? So how can you judge this game?
ATCaver. fair points well made except 3, because the English army were able to defend against repeated attacks despite having less capablities and numbers. Battle of Britain anyone?
Henry, zombies are a whoooole different ball-game. They are fictional boogie-men. And ideal as bad guys because they're dead already. Personally I love zombies, I love the idea of a zombie apocolypse because I'm a big nerd and zombie games are always fun. I was addicted to L4D for so long.
I know how I sound in this thread, like I'm some kind of whiny little so-and-so looking for an argument and a reason to complain, but c'mon guys, if you just blindly accept a game where the nazis are the heroes, you're justifying what they did in history. Never forget what happened back then, what your ancestors died for. I take issue with this game because in 3 years on AG it's the first I've seen that so blatantly spits in the face of history. Perhaps I wouldn't even of had any issue with it if AG didn't put it all around the front-page like they're proud of it.
Not to mention it's a carbon-copy of their older game, they could of done anything at all but they went with nazis.
PS: Note that AG has removed the banners at the side of the screen advertising the game. Good move.
@Alderon: Points taken. The thing with the game (and the resulting front-page ad) is that if you take out the Nazi symbolism then it's a REALLY good game minus a few isolated glitches that Toge STILL hasn't worked out of the engine quite yet. If he keeps on making games in this exact same style then yes, it will get old and lame, but right now I'm still having fun with it. As far as history goes, I don't disagree with you, but like I said before: Nothing in the game says "Nazis were good and you should do what they did." The basic gist of the story is "This is an alternate version of WWII where the Nazis are looking to gain superpowers from another dimension so they can take over the world." I honestly wouldn't say the game "glorifies" the Nazis, it just makes them playable.
@demon: I personally can't make Flash games, so you might want to repost that on Toge's page.
(I can make Game Maker games but they're about as well-done as Flash games from 7 or 8 years ago, meaning REALLY primitive)
stop saying it glorifyes nazis!i'm myself a french communist but i still think this game is a very good game!(but please never make games with french crs (equivalent to modern SS) who wins! XD )
really? This is a GAME. stop getting so butt hurt because of it and just try to enjoy it. If you really don't like it then don't play it. It's as simple as that. GROW UP