porque no puedo acceder a los juegos de AG cuando me conecto a mi cuenta puedo iniciar sesion pero loa juegos que quiero jugar los juego como visitante no como miembro (estando conectado)
because I can not access the AG games when I connect to my account I can login but I praise games play the game as a visitor not as a member (being connected)
This is what Google Translate gave me.
Does this happen with every one of the games or just a select few? You could try playing said games on multiple browsers in case it's a browser-related issue.
ernie not about all the games armor games so my question is when I play them because I can Logeo as a member, I can not with the line, is seen as a burden to connect but never do I connect (I can never play as a member to: ()
Most of us speak english... so try it again in english please.
Not only that, but there is also a rule against posting in any language other than English.
so my question is when I play them because I can Logeo as a member, I can not with the line, is seen as a burden to connect but never do I connect (I can never play as a member to: ()
There are several possibilities:
1) For some games, the problem may be with the server. 2) If your flash player is not updated, you should do so. 3) You may need to change and/or update your browsers.