ForumsGamesGood stand alone RPG?

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i loved kingdom of amlur: Reckoning, oblivion, Skyrim.

  • 13 Replies
2,030 posts

The Dragon Age games (DA:O and DA2) are good RPGs. The first one is a bit more slow-paced and strategic, but the second has fast paced combat similar to that of Amalur. They're both awesome story-wise, and it is entirely possible to play the second without playing the first (the second follows another character).

I could also recommend the game "Risen" if you're looking for a slightly more difficult RPG, and the sequel, "Risen 2: Dark Waters", will be released on April 27th.

"The Witcher" is another RPG which has received pretty good reviews. My friend loves the games, and I have finished the first one and thought it was decent. I didn't really like the character you played as, which was a big minus, but many others disagree with me there. I hear the sequel, "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" is better, though.

If you're not just looking for fantasy/medieval RPGs I could recommend Mass Effect 1, 2 & 3 (AMAZING sci-fi RPG) which you've probably heard of.

Another good RPG which takes place in modern times is Alpha Protocol, where you play as some kind of secret agent guy. It's pretty awesome, but unfortunately it was badly ported to PC so the controls are a bit annoying. You got used to it eventually though, or you could get the console version.

If you liked Oblivion and Skyrim you'll probably love Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. They're sci-fi games that take place in a post-apocalyptic future.

1,607 posts

If you liked Oblivion and Skyrim you'll probably love Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. They're sci-fi games that take place in a post-apocalyptic future.

I personaly disagree about that because when you play Fallout3 it pretty much screams out "This engine was not meant to have FPS games played on it!" The moving is a bit weird, the bullets are insanely expensive, and melee weapons are pretty much useless unless you're an NPC. Also I really dont like how the combat is leaning so much towards you using vats all the time, you pretty much can't survive without vats in that game unless you play on easy mode.
2,030 posts

Fallout3 it pretty much screams out "This engine was not meant to have FPS games played on it!"

I disagree, and judging from the review on (91 out of 100), the majority of its players does as well. Of course you're entitled to your own opinion, and I'm not saying you're wrong for believing so, I'm just making sure that the OP understands that it is in fact just an opinion.

and melee weapons are pretty much useless unless you're an NPC

Once again, I disagree, I've played a lot of melee in Fallout and it works just fine. You'll need appropriate stats and perks for melee combat to be effective, but it's not in any way underpowered.

Anyways, New Vegas in particular did have quite a lot of glitches, but the rest of the game more than makes up for it IMO.
1,607 posts

I disagree, and judging from the review on (91 out of 100), the majority of its players does as well. Of course you're entitled to your own opinion, and I'm not saying you're wrong for believing so, I'm just making sure that the OP understands that it is in fact just an opinion.

I know this would sound wierd, but normal FPS games give quick and accurate movements when aiming, but the FO3 movement feels kindof slushy, it's not as accurate (played compared games with same mouse and PC) and the movements dosen't pick up as easily. I guess it's just me but I haven't played a single Elder Scrolls game and the engine just felt immedietly like I should be holding a sword and not a gun, they really didn't even care to bother with recoil and instead just made any automatic gun have the worst accuracy ever and I really don't like how the hunting rifle had less accuracy than the first pistol you get in the game (both were at almost prime condition, was trying to kill a raider)
Also it is really weird when you pickpocket a person, fail, they try to get away from you, you catch up, enter speech mode with them, and they talk to you like nothing has ever happened and that you are still neutral.
Then there is those random times when a person with a bomb attatched to them runs up to you, they really have not much emotion, and when you fail at taking the bomb off them it has no emotion at all its like we have an agreement where if I fail he'l quickly run over there with no emotion and go die.
Once again, I disagree, I've played a lot of melee in Fallout and it works just fine. You'll need appropriate stats and perks for melee combat to be effective, but it's not in any way underpowered.

I'll retract that statement then.
1,609 posts

I recommend the previous listed Mass Effect games, Fallout 3 and NV (from the creators of The Elder Scrolls) and Risen. Also Fable TLC and Fable 2 are very nice, little bit easy RPG games, and If u really like them Fable 3. Another great game is Deus Ex Human Revolution. if u have a thing for J-RPG's you have probably heard of Final Fantasy. And at last if u have a nintendo handheld buy Pokemon.

787 posts

Borderlands. It is an RPG yes, but it is also a FPS. It's very long and it's madeso you can play it again with the same character and everything will be changed to suit your level.

1,435 posts

Hm? No one appears to have mentioned it. Is it over here, no. How about her- no. Hm. Okay I'll be that guy.


If you enjoy having layers of your genitalia slowly removed one-by-one due to extreme difficulty, while being treated to gorgeous environments, a solid combat system, and one of the most rewarding experiences in Video Games, one is likely to find their oddly specific taste in From Software's 2009 Demons's Souls and the spiritual successor, 2011's Dark Souls.

To establish how hard the games are, allow me to share what the first three words are on the back of Dark Souls's box - "Prepare to Die".


2,030 posts

I really don't like how the hunting rifle had less accuracy than the first pistol you get in the game

IIRC, the hunting rifle requires a pretty high skill to be used effectively, whilst the first pistol is easy to use. Perhaps you just didn't have the skill to effectively use the rifle. The reason why it didn't feel as other shooters is probably because it was more of an RPG than a shooter. "FPS" would be a pretty inaccurate description of it since a) it can be played in third person and b) you can use melee.

As for the pickpocket thing and the poor NPC acting, well, that was a problem in Oblivion as well.

Anyways, FO3 might not be the greatest shooter, but it's definitely one of the greatest RPGs out there, especially if you want an open world.
64 posts

Ahem...let us not forget S.W.T.O.R. 1 and 2 though not as good some now tell me one T rated RPG that is anywhere near as good.

2,030 posts

let us not forget S.W.T.O.R. 1 and 2

SW:TOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic) is a MMORPG and doesn't have a 1 and 2, I think you're referring to KotOR (Knights of the Old Republic), and if that's the case, I can agree. Amazing games, and if you like them, try Neverwinter Nights 2 as well.
210 posts

I like how he asks for a stand alone RPG and you all reccomend games that are part of a series.

There's so many different sub-genres of RPG these days it's hard to classify exactly what you're looking for, nevermind the ERA of games or system.

For a real treat, if you don't mind something slightly retro and reading lots of (awesome) dialogue, check out Planescape: Torment.

2,030 posts

I like how he asks for a stand alone RPG and you all reccomend games that are part of a series.

Many of the recommended games that are part of a series have parts that can be played without playing the other. Mass Effect is pretty much the only one of those series that has to be played in order to get the most out of it.

Oh, and I wouldn't call Planescape: Torment slightly retro, it's as old as many of this site's users. Still, doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.

Two Worlds II is a good RPG as well, though I hear the first one was a major failure. I've got the second though, and I could enjoy it without having played the first.
243 posts

I think Skyrim is a good RPG game for almost everybody. Not for people who are new to this though.

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