is it the lack of exercise stress junk food (go ahead blame the food) or what i think it is technology were so dependant on technology that we stay inside all day with little human contact i am verry fit i go outside everyday run with my dog do 300 pushups a day do benchpresses and curls punch the bag ect. and i joined the navy seals and marine force recon why can no one else do this its the easyest thing in the world tell me about your ideas
is it the lack of exercise stress junk food (go ahead blame the food)
it is not the type of food. it's the amount of food. everything in the usa (and new zealand) is oversized. for example: a large coke at the mac in usa, is as much as the largest bottle of coke in the lokal stores somewhere els. a normal bag of chips in the usa get's sold as a XXXL bag somewhere els. and why? may i ask?
true but i eat a **** load of food i get the biggest greasyest thing i find but again im not fat or lazy or addicted to my phone like i said go ahead blame the food as long as people get off your *** once and a while your weight problem is eliminated
like you look around at school the beginning people look fat but throughout the year they gain weight its just lazy and michelle obama makes us eat ****ty salads at school iv actually never eaten a vegtable in my life but again not fat
another thing why does everyone love facebook im going to make anouther post about that why does everyone need to know what your doing if someone puts they are going out to eat someones going to rob them blind for putting it all over facebook and everyone would freak out if it went down i with we could turn off the power for one day and see all the people freak out and i had a myspace for a week added all my friends along with random people then deleted it because it was stupid
Not all Americans are fat. While it is true that America has the highest obesity rate, it is 30.6% and not the majority.
The reasons for this are likely as follows.
1) Our culture is based on consumerism and laziness.
2) As Party Devil said, it's the portion sizes, not the type of food. While junk food is more unhealthy for you in that it has loads of preservatives and other such chemicals as well as being filled with sugar and salt, you won't get fat from it unless you eat a lot of it regularly.
3) It's not something to be proud of to say you've never eaten a vegetable.
i dont use punctuation because i honestly hate school theirfore have bad punctuation just everytime i look up from my desk and i think of how were screwed we get fatter and lazyer for other countries to do with us what they want as soon as that happens im going into the woods and killing anyone who comes in my way and take their food
Don't think it's because of technology, at least not the technology alone, since if that was the case you would have about the same statistics as most of Europe and Australia/Japan (though obesity has been becoming more common here as well, just not as much as in the US).
I'm guessing it's, in addition to technology and today's less active lifestyle, a) the quantity of food, b) the quality of food, and c) how common obesity is, meaning people might not consider it as much of a big deal as perhaps they should.
PS: Please use punctuation, and do try to put all your thoughts into one post before pushing Submit. Double and triple posting is not just ugly, it's also more or less forbidden without good reason.
Because we like to be fat. Probably portion size as already said is the main reason though. Also insulting someone over the internet gets you nowhere fracell.
fracell, threatening other users and telling them to "suck it ***got" is against the rules and could most certainly get you banned. I do not want to have to alert the mods to this.
that has nothing to do about why america is fat but im just saying i can post all i want without people jumping on my *** you can't. You cannot call other users names on this website. Please stop using swear words also, they do not advance any conversation.
As to why we are fat, in order to tame the irate OP, it is because we have crappy food, we can get it quick in a drive through, and we don't exercise that much at all.
Lacking exercise is surely a reason. Amount of food is surely a reason. But type of food, or certain amounts of types of foods, definitely also play a role. Just lately I saw a study made in Germany about food for children and how it fits into the recommended food pyramid, and they found that in most stores, the pyramid was basically upside down: most children food had high amounts of sugar and all that stuff, and it's all because selling unhealthy food to children is about two to three times more lucrative, and if they'd had to switch to mostly healthy food now they'd loose gain.
So sure, society and technology play a role, but capitalism does too.
With rising obesity rates, soon people will walk for president.
Seriously, though, I don't believe one can blame the portion sizes completely for our obesity problems; it's the people who abuse them. If America knew how to eat more responsibly, they wouldn't be eating such large portions of unhealthy food for every meal of every day.
You can blame Burger King for making the Double Whopper a large burger, but you can't blame them if the customer decides to eat five of them for one meal.