i was just wondering if there was anything that people wanted to be included, like good weapons, zone 6 and 7 included? i dont know, just anything you think would make it a good guide cause im new to all this.
also i was wondering if anybody wanted a poison bio or a shadow Shadow Psycho legend run guide, cause i could do that as well?
I just want to see how it works. Get what skills when, what to put in the wheel, what strategy for your equipment and what to upgrade.How to fight certain opponents, and in general how to work with what you have.
I would like zones 6 and 7 and basically just a way to complete the run somewhat easily.Also shadow psycho abilities used for a build are in the "guide: psychological" thread.
i did it very differently.
Are you still working on this?
ive finished now, im just spell checking all 12 pages....
Oh and be warned, quotes and other symbols show up weirdly if they're copied and pasted.
i know. its thiese: like's
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