This is a PG-13 site, meaning that all games must be appropriate for anybody as young as 13.
You could try making a PG-13 version of your game and edit out the adult content. Then you could submit it with a chance of it being accepted by the AG staff.
Your best bet is to try and offer it to those websites specialised in those games, as these websites (AG, Kong, BubbleBox, etc) won't accept them for having adult content which doesn't cope with the PG-13 rule, so... =/
Armor Games is used by thousands of kids my age which is 13 years old. If the site had games with adult content it might as well be for 18 and up. Say there is a game involving nude women, members are 13 and up. What are they going to do, just block them from viewing those games until they are 18+? Even if they did users who cannot view that content will most likely make another account under a different e-mail address saying they are 18+ and then start playing adult games. That is why they have Adult Swim on the internet so if you don't think these games are good enough for you, go play on another site.