Go to translate.google.com and type in armorgames.com in the translate box, click any languge in the first box and english in the second and click on the armorgames.com link. It should get you on. Hope it works!
Adding on the Patrick, you shouldn't even be ON armor games if you are at school. Not only do you risk getting caught and subsequently suspended/getting a detention, you defeat the purpose of having using the computer or laptop in school.
I disagree, if you have personal time in school, on your lunch or break or whatever, you can go on armorgames for forums if you have a mobile with data support, or if you have a mobile phone with flash then you can enjoy the games also.
Well going to armor games during school is risky if u get a net book from school that's very risky I can't do it cause my principal has blocked it wich STINKS
I feel you. Every day that passes my schoolboards grip on internet gets tighter. It blocked all proxies so I have to download one at home and while at home I don't need it so I forget. It's a stupid system. Now I shall download Ultrasurf while I remember.
well, I don't really know the question... but if you mean getting past the school firewall its simple, just copy and paste the URL into google translate and it will give you a link. click on it and it will give you the site you want.