Just wondering how people here trust the high score boards on these games, as part of the enjoyment can sometimes come from seeing how I rate against others. Its not a BIG thing (well actually someday I would like to be able to score higher than my wife on a tower defense game) but it seems that some of these scoreboards are filled with fictitious numbers.
e.g. Tower of doom (http://armorgames.com/play/6071/tower-of-doom) with a large number of high scores something like 2,147,483,647 while I can not see any way to get even into the millions with this game.
So I was just wondering if anybody moderates or oversees these boards, and is there any reason to participate when a game prompts me to submit a score, as the fun aspect has been kind of taken away here.
p.s. if there is a way to cheat/hack or otherwise fake the scores, I am not interested in learning how. I would, however, like to believe any such holes are plugged when found.