ForumsThe TavernA castaway's wish...

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14,745 posts

I know this thread has already been made before, but seeing as it has probably died or is been buried deep into the realms of the Tavern forum, I decided to make a new one! =)

What if... you were a castaway on a tropical island... your ship has sunk near a tropical island in the middle of nowhere and you won't be rescued for several decades, because nobody misses you and will come look for you...

...and here comes the fun part! You can have 3 things that can/will wash upon shore at your island? Anything is allowed (except for any explicit stuff of course!), but it's a maximum of 3 things..., share with us what would those 3 items will be!

And to sum things up... these are the ground rules:

# Name the 3 items of tour choice;
# Elaborate on why you would want those particular items;
# And what would you do with them?

I'm wondering and looking forward to what the answers will be! =)

  • 40 Replies
909 posts

Wow, stuck for several decades? I'll be so old by then someone might have to bring me my marbles, lol, remember the story of Peter Pan?

#1 I would have to have something to read.

A tome
of poetry, maybe Keats, or Shakespere's entire works, (that include poems).

#2 Next, I would have to have music but with no electricity or items available to make a battery I think I would have to make do with a musical instrument like

a guitar.

#3 Lastly, some sort of game would be nice since cards, drawing tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess and hang-man in the sand would get old in a hurry. It's also not any fun to play these by yourself.

a huge trunk of clothes
with everything in my size, of course and from the 18th-21st centuries.

561 posts

like i said on the old one (that got locked by the way)
my iPod (to entertain me)
a Swiss army knife (so i can make a shelter and get food)
and the book "how to get off a deserted island" (so i can get off the island!)

I'd love to bring my dog too so i could have some company but you said we could only have three things (i 'spoes i could always scratch a face into a coconut with my Swiss army knife

5,340 posts

ugh im not a survivor. id probably take that guy in the pic with me and make him a leader. he will decide on the 2 other things we should take and tell me what to do there to survive together XD

if i cant do that i think id take plenty of food and water in addition to that guy

13,344 posts

because nobody misses you and will come look for you...

Ain't that the truth.

In honor of this being the first ever of these "desert island" threads with a decent opening post, I'm going to actually answer this thread somewhat seriously.

1. A fishing pole. For obvious reasons.

2. A Watercone to separate the salt from the water.

3. A lighter, because there's no way in hell I'd ever be able to light a fire using two sticks.

And please, nobody say that they're going to bring a boat or an airplane or something along those lines. That joke got old before it was even funny.
909 posts

@ MrDayC

Please, elabrorate on the size of both the island and the ship that was wrecked because this would determine the quality of the survivability of "several decades"? Does this island have a waterfall or some other source of fresh water? Is their plenty of food to forage? Do we have enough of the survivor gear available to salvage off of the ship?

@ Ernie15

I didn't mention the obvious survival choices because I expected to be able to steal, I mean salvage those from the ship. Thanks for mentioning what should naturally come first when shipwrecked.

14,745 posts

@ wajor59 : Now I'm curious... what would you play with that trunk of clothes? Dress up a palm tree? Catch an animal, tame it and dress that up? Elaborate please! =)

@ Ernie15 : I feel really flattered to have you say that my thread has a nice OP! Thanx man! =)

Great entries so far! I'm having a lot of fun reading them! And I will elaborate on the details a little more ;ater on, lemmethink for a sec on those, ok? =)

9,462 posts

1. A boat
2. A weeks supply of water.
3. A weeks supply of food.

That should be plenty to get off the island and back home on my own.

4,710 posts

lets see, a swiss army knife to have tools and a weapon, a hammock becauze after i created a shelter there is no way that i sleep on the ground (that and i like hammocks) and last but not least, a flare gun with ammo in case the one of the boat got broken. if i see a ship after some decades i can use the flare gun to get rescued. oh, not to mention that i would loot the boat or what is left of it...

306 posts

Heck with a boat.

1. My girlfriends
2. An unlimited supply of sustaining materials (food, water)
3. An air-comditioned condo w/ electricity, hot and cold running water, a 36" flatscreen, a sauna, and 10 bedrooms.

5,552 posts

my iPod (to entertain me)

Great. You get 2 hours of entertainment, if it wasn't completely screwed up by being immersed in salt water.

Anyways, to my three things.

1) A heavy duty hunting knife. This could be used for all sorts of things from skinning animals that I trap/hunt, carving wood, making sharp and pointy sticks, wood shavings to help start a fire, self defense, and an eating utensil along with more.

2) Some kind of large amount of a water-proof material (like a big roll of tarpaulin) by which I can make a shelter early on and store/collect rain water, as well as suspend food off of the ground as to keep away scavengers/predators.

3) A heavy duty sleeping bag/lots of blankets in order to keep warm. Really, on a deserted island there's no way you're going to replicate comforters or sleeping bags of any kind with a degree of success unless you know how to make fabrics which I unfortunately don't.

Note: I did not put in anything to make a fire because I do know how to make fires without a match/lighter which left me another option open.
561 posts

Great. You get 2 hours of entertainment,

Are yes, but i have a back up battery, that can add up to 5 hours extra battery time, so that would make seven hours. I 'spoes i would bring that too. But that would make four things XD, all well.
306 posts

A heavy duty sleeping bag/lots of blankets in order to keep warm. Really, on a deserted island there's no way you're going to replicate comforters or sleeping bags of any kind with a degree of success unless you know how to make fabrics which I unfortunately don't.

Oh sure, because you would need to keep warm on an island where the temp doesn't fall below 70 during the night.
5,552 posts

Oh sure, because you would need to keep warm on an island where the temp doesn't fall below 70 during the night.

Where did he say it was a tropical island?

Have you ever slept outside even when it's 45-50 degrees? I thought not. Have you ever slept on rocks? I thought not either.

A sleeping bag would also protect you to a large degree from insects at night, which could potentially save your life if they were carrying a disease of some sort. It would also protect you from the wind chill.
5,552 posts

Where did he say it was a tropical island?

Nvm, I feel stupid now.

Either way, I'd still like some blankets/sleeping bag for the above mentioned reasons, if not just simple comfort.
3,766 posts

Duct tape
More duct tape

I saw the Mythbusters where they are on an island with only duct tape. They were able to find water, food, make shelter and do all the things to survive with only duct tape and what the island had to offer.

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